Chapter 5

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We made it to the locker room, now having to pick up speed. We could hear people beginning to storm the tunnel, more then likely news broadcasters and reporters. We then heard shouting, and people snapping pictures.

"Run." Ellis told us, as she ran ahead of us. We all sort of looked at eachother, before following and beginning to run. We ran until we reached the main foyer of the stadium. We now had to practically sprint in order to get out of the place without being stopped. We made it out of the doors, and ran down the steps towards the buses. We jumped the steps of the bus, as we all yelled for the bus driver to go.

"Go! Go!" Ellis told the driver, and as told the first bus began to roll. The driver got on the radio as he told the other bus to wait on the rest of the team, that way she could get us back to the penthouse.

I practically collapsed in the seat around the middle of the bus, resting a hand on my stomach, the other over my head. I was panting softly, and had almost forgotten about the entire game including the fight. If it wasn't for everyone beginning to swarm me.

"Scarlet, are you okay?" Alex asked me, as she sat down in front of me.

"What kind of question is that Lex? She's obviously not 'okay.'" Tobin said, taking a seat next to Alex. Hope had sat across the isle from me, and was sitting with her legs in the isle as Kelley and Ellis sat behind me.

"I'll be alright.. I've been in a hand full of fights, I know how this works out." I said, my voice coming across as a bit more raspy then usual. I scrunched my nose and squeezed my eyes shut as I attempted to sit up, propping my head against the window. My eyes remained shut, as I found myself being overwhelmed with exhaustion. My body hurt, and ached, and stung. My head hurt, and ached, and stung. My face- Okay yeah. You get the picture. I let out a soft grunt, opening my eyes to a hand on my shoulder. Hope had slid over, and was sitting next to me, her eyes glued to me with a worried and concerned gaze.

"Try not to fall asleep. It's possible you have some sort of a concussion, and we don't want to take any chances." She told me, offering a smile as her hand rubbed against my right shoulder and arm. Speaking of concussions...

I turned my attention to Kelley whom was sitting behind me, her gaze also glued to me. She raised an eyebrow at me as I turned slightly.

"What about you? I saw you take a hit to the head. Are you okay?" I asked her, looking over her for any sign of pain. She gave me a warm smile, one that sort of made me cheer up a bit.

"Ha, yeah I'm alright. I'll have a headache, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you'll feel in the morning." She said, which resulted in a few of us chuckling. The bus pulled up to the penthouse, and we all got up and headed off the bus. Coach Ellis was on the phone with a few of the staff members, telling them that we had exited the building and had headed into the penthouse. Hope had her arm wrapped around my waist, Tobin's hand on my back as they guided me towards what I assumed was the medical and recovery area. I had my hand to my head, the aching was beginning to really take it's toll on me. Finally, they guided me towards a metal slab, which I slipped up on. Hope and Alex sat on the metal slab in front of me, Kelley standing just beside me as Tobin searched around the room for supplies. She walked back over with gauze, rubbing alcohol, and a few bandages. It was silent while she was taking care of me, cleaning my face of blood and applying the supplies to the few cuts around my face. After a few moments, a chuckle erupted from Hope. She lifted a hand to cover her mouth as we all glanced at her, but she just began to laugh harder as she closed her eyes, falling back on the slab table. Alex quirked an eyebrow at her, as she too began to chuckle at Hope's consistent laughter.

"What?" Alex asked, giggling slightly. "Hope, what! Tell us!" She questioned, now playfully smacking at Hope's arm.

"S-Scarlet..... W-when she- When she tackled that girl." Hope said, as she continued to laugh. I raised an eyebrow, glancing at Hope with a slight smile, and I shrugged when Kelley and Alex both looked at me like "what?".

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