Chapter 22

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Warning: Major plot twist! Couldn't help but think this needed a little spicing up. Hope you enjoy!

Alex's P.O.V

I follow Hope, not hesitating to be a part of what she may be thinking to get back at this jacka- ahem. Jerk. Not only did he harm a female, he harmed a female I'm rather protective of. Once we make it to our room, Hope goes straight for her duffle bag and sifts through the components until she pulls out two black Nike pull overs, some gloves, and car keys. "Are we going to rob a bank?" I ask her half joking, half being serious. Who knew what this Keeper had in mind. She gave me a laugh then turned and gave me the most mischievous smirk I think I've ever seen. "We're going to mark up pretty boy's car." She then says, and I immediately grow my own smirk. "I love it when you're feisty."  I giggle, and she tosses me a set of keys before we grab our room key, sun glasses and wallets, then jog back for the elevator. Once we're inside, I hurry and pull over the sweatshirt, brushing out any creases in the material. I then slide on my sunglasses, and I glance at Hope and we highfive eachother before sliding the set of keys in our pockets. We walk out, glancing around the lobby for any signs of the boy. "I don't know where he went, so let's be careful." Hope whispers to me and I nod before we make our way outside the hotel, putting our hoods up. It was about mid day so it was kinda warm, however we were so chill about this it made up for it. We walked around the side to where the cars are parked, Hope and I both glance around for signs of security cameras or even the jerk himself. "Sucks there's no cameras to film us look beautiful while we wreck this guy's car." I chuckle, and she laughs before she advances to the car. She grabs for her keys, and I follow suit as I approach beside her. I was about to lash the first key into the side of the pretty red coat on his Mustang, before I heard voices. I grab Hope's arm and we sprint for the corner of the small sun room on the end of the hotel. We put out backs to the wall, and I very slowly peak around. "What do you see." She whispers, and I jab my thumb into her thigh to make her shut up. It's him, but he's with someone. I can't see who very well, but the laugh scares me. The laugh- that laugh belongs to someone I know. My heart starts racing, when I finally see who the laugh belongs to, it only confirms my fear. "Shit." I let out, grabbing Hope's arm again and sprinting for the back entrance of the hotel.

"Shit shit shit shit shit." Hope yells, pacing the front of our room. I sit in the middle of my bed on the left, legs crossed with my face in my hands. "You're positive it was Kelley." She says, and I nod. "Cute face, wavy brunette hair, freckles, goofy little smile on that chipmunk face. It was definitely Kelley Hope." I reply, sighing softly at the issue we face. "Maybe they just met. Perhaps they're just friends?" Hope speaks, stopping to crack her knuckles. I let out another small sigh, simply wanting to believe this, for the sake of our Midfielder friend. I finally lay back and rest my hands behind my head, looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know Hope. All I do know is that we need to warn Kelley before he does her the same way he did Silver." I say simply, biting my lip at the thought of someone laying a hand on Squirrel. "We should tell the others about this. For the safety of Kelley." Hope says, siting next to me. I nod, glancing at the Keeper. She was staring at the wall, and for some reason I was getting a different vibe off her. She was always serious, but it was a... Different seriousness. The kinda seriousness of a mother bear when her cubs were in danger. However I'm unsure it was entirely for Kelley, since the two of them are more casual friends. "What's on your mind Solo." I ask, rolling over to my side as I gently rest the palm of my left hand on her back. Since the World Cup, Hope and I had gotten fairly close. We don't get to spend a lot of time together, because we're on opposite sides of the field. But when we're together, we fit close. She's like another older sister. "I'm afraid of what may transpire. What if Kelley pulls that cliche teenager crap." Hope speaks, still not looking at me from the wall. I thought for a moment, and deep down I knew that she was probably right. It was more then likely going to happen. I let out a soft exhale before grabbing her arm, playing with her engagement ring on her left hand. "Whatever happens, we're sticking together. As a team." I say, and finally was able to make eye contact. "You know it Baby Horse." She replies, offering me a smile before she pulled me off the bed. And by off the bed I mean made me hit the floor. We let out laughs as she dragged me by my foot, towards the door. "Let's go talk to Carli and Tobin. I think they're still outside." She says, and I groan before trying to stand.

Carli's P.O.V

I lay stretched out on the lawn chair, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the peaceful sound of the water in the pool. No one else was really around except Tobin, Julie I. The three of us lay side by side with me in the middle. I had my glasses over my eyes and my hands behind my head, listening to the conversation the other two were holding. "Thus why I dislike octopi. I can't handle anything with suction cups. Makes me feel uncomfortable." Julie says, and I can't help but raise an eyebrow. "Did you just say octopi?" Tobin asks. "Yeah, that's the plural for Octopus right?" "No, I believe it's just octopuses." They began another conversation, and I couldn't help but giggle at the two. "I think the correct term is simply Octopus." I then add in my own input, opening my eyes to look at the two over my lenses. They both giggle and roll their eyes at me as I then turn my head to the sound of voices. "Hey guys." Hope calls to us, and I turn to look at the two approaching. It seems, even though they're smiling, they're both giving off fake smiles. "Hey." Julie and Tobin both say in unison. I sit up and offer them both a smile, yet I get the feeling they're about to say something... Serious. "Something wrong?" I ask, glaring more at Hope. We're best friends, so it's obvious I would know when something was bothering her. She gives me a small smile as she sits down at the foot of the chair I lay on. Alex sits beside Tobin, and Julie simply sits up. "Well, have you guys seen Kelley?" Alex started, and I glanced at Tobin, shaking my head. "No, not since this morning. She left our room early, like around 7. That's why she wasn't at the pool." Tobin explains, and I catch Hope and Alex glaring at eachother. "We saw her leave." Hope then speaks, glancing at me. I tilt my head, a bit confused. We all know Kelley tends to wonder, but she actually left? "With who?" Julie asks what all of us were about to say, and Alex was quick to answer. "A guy." My eyes widen a bit and I look directly at Alex, as if saying "Are you serious?" Everything went silent for a moment until the doors to the entrance, Morgan and Sylvia walked out. Sylvia's arm was hooked around Moe's neck, and they were taking their time walking, but they were smiling brightly and laughing. I couldn't help but smile, Bean had a contagious laugh as it was, but with Jade beside her, her smile just spreads. "Woah you guys look so serious." Morgan speaks first, they both stop where Hope is sitting. It was silent for a while, until Jade let out a soft cough. "Jeez, you guys are so loud. Killing my ears man, calm down." I glance at the Midfielder and offer her a smile, and she simply glanced around realizing there was no other response. Suddenly, the door opened once more, and this time, the laugh of Kelley was recognizable. She came walking in, arm wrapped around the bicep of a man. He was much taller then her, handsome I might add. I quirk and eyebrow, as she approaches. "Guys, I want you to meet Lance." As soon as she speaks, I catch sight of Jade flinching, along with Morgan, Alex, and Hope standing. I got the feeling something huge was about to go down.

Hope you guys enjoy, once again thank you so much for continuing to read! If you like the chapter feel free to hit that vote button, and as always I encourage your support through comments! Always open for ideas, and I love to know when I've made some good work. Until next time, see you guys later ^o^ 


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