Chapter 23

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Oh boy guys, I apologize ahead of time. The next few chapters or so will more then likely make you hate me xD But it's a good idea. So I'll see where it goes. As always, leave your thoughts in the comments!

Julie's P.O.V

I can feel the tension in the air as Kelley walks up hand and hand with whom I'm guessing is the guy she was talking about the other night. I'd have to admit, he was a nice catch. However, with the look that not only Scar, but Morgan and Hope was giving him, it made me feel her may not be as nice as he looks. "Hey Lance, nice to meet you." I say smiling, offering a handshake. He takes it and returns the smile, everyone else simply remains quiet. Kelley gives them a bit of a "What?" type look and they all simply look at Jade whom has now lowered her eyes to the ground. "Hey, Kel, have you talked to Jill yet?" Hope randomly speaks, yet I'm sort of tuned out as I watch Scarlet limp off to the other end of the pool, sitting at the edge to let her feet dip in. "Oh, I didn't even know she had called for me. I'll hear in now, babe will you wait up for me?" Kelley replies, turning to the guy beside her. "Of course." He smiles, planting a soft kiss on her head before walking away. I watch as Alex waves for me to followand we all follow suit behind Hope whom is walking side by side with Kel. Suddenly, Hope grabs the shorter defender by the arm and pulls her into a small meeting room, resulting in a "Heeyyy!!" from the Squirrel. We all follow, Morgan shutting the door behind us. "What's this about?" Kelley whines, rubbing her arm. "Sorry Kel, but you've got to listen to us." Hope says, and suddenly the room falls silent. I pay close attention as Hope starts explaining her actions. "This Lance guy, he's not as nice as he seems. He's Scarlet's ex. Not only is that bad on its own, the reason he's her ex is sickening. He abused her Kel. That's how she got the scar on her face. We're just looking out for you, and you'll know she wouldn't want what happened to her, happen to you." My eyes widen at the thought of someone abusing one of my closest friends. I can feel my fists clench at my sides, and I know Kel will make the right decision.

That's where I was wrong.

"You believe her?" Kelley then says, looking straight in Hope's eyes. All of our eyes widen at what the defender had said, and out of the corner of my eye I can see Morgan's face growing red, so I gently reach for my fellow New-New kid's hand. "Wh-What? Kelley what the hell are you saying?! Of course I believe her! Scars don't lie!" Hope exclaimed, the Keeper now also growing angry. Uh oh. "Maybe scars don't but people do. Lance couldn't hurt a fly. I don't care what you guys say, I believe him. Not what some girl says." She retorts in a cold tone of voice, making me wonder if it was even Kelley anymore. She turns for the door and legitimately shoves Alex out of the way, when the striker attempted to speak to her. We all watch as she walks out, personally unable to believe my eyes.

We headed back to the pool area, all slightly ticked off at the arrogance of Kelley. I didn't entirely understand the situation, but I do believe what Jade says. Suddenly, I hear a panicked yell and a large splash in the pool. "What the-" Alex mutters from behind me, all of us stopping. There appears to be a man holding someone under the water, and when the tanned and tattooed arm shot up, I knew exactly who it was. "JADE!" I exclaimed, both Tobin and I sprinting as fast as we could. "GET OFF HER!" The midfielder shouts, tone full of anger as the two of us leap into the pool tackling the man. I'm stuck in the side of the face by the man's fist, Tobin taking a head to head strike as he tries to get away. Disoriented briefly, I'm only partially able to identify this man as Kelley's new boyfriend. I hear other people jump into the pull, as my eyes now focus on Lance's hands still forcefully holding our friend under water. "YOURE GOING TO KILL HER!" I shout, throwing my own fist at his face. My middle and ring finger crack from the impact, making me jolt back and hug my hand close to my chest, clenching my teeth. Finally he lets go, as Carli leaps directly on top of him and attempts to pull him back. He draws back his elbow, connecting it with Carl's stomach, in which he was able to dive under to get to the sidelines. "YOU FUCKING-" Tobin screamed, now chasing to get out of the pool until Kelly shows up. "What the hell are you guys doing?!" She shouts, almost hissing. "They just attacked me!" Lance says, out of breath as he acts like he's hurt. She glares at us, and I simply turn to Scarlet whom is coughing and gasping for air beside me. "Of course they did." Kelley mumbled, locking her fingers with the man as they both turned and walked away.

"Are you kidding me?!" Tobin shouts, pacing the front of Scarlet and Carli's room. Poor Jade sits cross legged on the bed, a towel wrapped around her shivering body, the color had fled her face. Morgan sat to her left with a hand rubbing the back of the midfielder, Carli to her right as she attempted to soothe the shaken girl. She had explained to us not only what had just taken place, but the past she had with Lance. It made me feel sick, and made me hate the guy even worse. Tobin's left side of her forehead was slightly swelled and had already started to bruise from the head butt. My left jaw stung and had also slightly swelled, and would start to bruise as well. I couldn't move my middle and ring finger on my right hand, but I wouldn't speak about it. Carli said she was fine, but she appeared to be walking a little sluggish. Tobin was infuriated about how Kel was acting, Hope was forced to explain about Kelley's stance on her boyfriend. Surprisingly, Jade was the calmest. I suppose she knew how easy he was to fall for, but I knew she was hurt that O'Hara didn't believe her. One of the first people she hit it off with. The fact that Kelley was so blinded by this man, made even me upset.

"Perhaps Tobin shouldn't be rooming with Kelley. She may punch her." Alex speaks, glancing at the brunette whom continued to pace. "I'm not sure I can either." Hope said softly, sitting in the corner of the room. I remained silent, sitting on the other bed with Alex beside me. "Julie, what are your thoughts on all this?" The brunette beside me randomly asks, everyone turning to me. My mind was everywhere, but seemed to freeze when I was called out. "Well..." I began, tapping my chin. "I think we need to give Kelley a little time. Give her space. There's no use in messing with fresh love. But after a little bit, I think we need to try to open her eyes." I explain, resulting in a couple nods from the girls. "Just make sure she doesn't get hurt." Jade then speaks up, and I can't help but smile. Even with how rude Kelley was being, the girl still cared. That's something I absolutely adore about her. No matter how hard someone may put her down, she'll still be there to stand beside them. "Well if I'm going to be standing by, I'm going to be standing by you." Morgan randomly says, looking to Jade. All of us smile and decide to dog pile on the three sitting on the bed, a way of agreeing.

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