The Nerd And Her Cuddles

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'Jack! Is your face ok?!'
'Mark! She's a bitch!'
'Jack. You've been mean to her since you've started called her a nazi.'
''s not my fault..I'm just- mind'

Jacks P.O.V.

A few minutes of me thinking and driving, we got to my house. I needed to talk to Kitty.

'Mark, here it is, and I'll give you a spare key to the front door' Mark nodded 'I'll show you your room. And I'll show you the house' He nodded again, so I showed him around.
I need to apologize to her..
'Here's the foyer' He oooed.
She deserves it..
'The kitchen..'
I'm awful...
'The living room'
I deserved the slap...
'The dining room' We turned a corner to the bathroom, and I told him it was the bathroom. We went upstairs, showed him the upper foyer. Turned to a room, showed him the study. Moved a few steps, showed him my room, my bathroom, my closet. Guest room, guest bathroom, guest closet. Another guest room, another guest closet, and a bathroom across the hall. 'You can chose what guest room you'd like...I need to talk to someone.'
'You can talk to me'
' this person is mad at me..very I need to talk to them'
'Oh, ok, well...BUH BYEEE!' Mark said cheerfully, I felt bad I wasn't as cheerful. I just smiled, and walked off.
I flopped on the bed with the phone in my hand, I went to my messages, and clicked on
Nerdy Kitty~
She was calling me. The tables have turned!
'Kitty?!' She was crying through the phone, I could tell.
'Jack..please pick me up from McDonalds...'
'W-What?! Kitty what happened?!'
'J-Just...not now...later'
'In the car, promise me that'
~~~At McDonalds~~~
I pulled into the parking lot, and saw a girl holding her knees, her cat ears down, and her cat tail down, she was crying.
'Jack..Jack Im sorry for making you have to drive all the way out here...'
'What the hell are you talking about?! It's literally like 5 minutes away!'
'How in the actual fuck would I know that..?'
'Get in ye nerd..' She put her glasses on and got in the passenger side. It wasn't until she moved her hair that it was covering her face. Covering bite marks, scratches, and I'm pretty sure there's more.
'What the fuck happened? I'm taking you to my place so I deserve an explanation!' I snapped.
    'I...I got robbed...and beat stray dogs. Cats are so much nicer..' Her eyes glossed over, then she blinked, and tears fell. 'They stole my most prized possessions...'
   'Which are?'
    'Septiceye Sam-'
     'Wait, seriously?'
     'I'm Septiplier Trash, I don't see how you don't know that'
    'When have we talked?'
     'No shit. Keep going with your little list'
     'My Markiplier shirt...' I nodded 'and...' She cried more 'and my cuddle pillow'

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