I n t U i T I o N

144 19 12

C h a p t e r (1)


I found the black tube inside her beauty case where she kept my father's old prisoner letters. I desperately wanted to look like her.

'You look nothing like your mother. You look nothing like her now!' said the voices inside my head but how I wanted to wear my mother's lipstick.

I went to the bathroom. Somewhere no one can find me.

I wore it like she wore disappointment on her face.

My mother was a woman and women like her and I cannot be contained.

'Mother dearest, let me inherit the earth. Teach me how to make him beg.
Let me make up for the years he made you wait.

Did he bend your reflection? Did he make you forget your own name?

Did he convince you that he was god?

Did you get on your knees daily? Do his eyes close like doors?

Are you a slave to the back of is head?'

I jolted up from my sleep as I heard someone calling my name.

"Harley?" a familiar voice called for me with venom evident in his voice.

I didn't look up because I knew who it was.

"Hey muffin'! Missed me?" I asked Griggs mockingly.

Griggs was the chief officer assigned to 'look after me' by the USSS. I was stuck with him since the last year. Or it would be better to say that He was stuck with me.

He was my favourite toy so far...

"More than anything, hotness." He replied with a smirk.

Oh how I wish I could eat that little smirk off his evil face.

I finally got up from the floor, my eyes bore into his blue ones.

I walked up to him seductively and got near the cold, steel bar that pretty much represented my heart.

"Oh yeah, look at you. You know the rules, hotness. You got to keep off these bars." he said to while gripping his Metal Storm.

I didn't even flinch. Nothing matters to me anymore. I got nothing to lose after what happened and threats don't work with the person who got nothing to lose.

"If she moves, fire it up. Alright?" he commanded to one of those pricks who got an eye on me 24X7.

I ignored his command and proceeded towards the iron grills. "What, these bars?" I teased him.

"Yeah, those bars." Griggs answered, now lifting his Metal Storm in front of his face, ready to shoot it at me.

But all I wanted to do was play!

I licked the bar, looking straight into Griggs's eyes. The cold metal made a stinging sensation on my tongue.

"Oh my god. You are really in bad shape upstairs, lady." Griggs said in his deep voice.

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