R e F O r m A t i O N

113 15 16

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Athiesta bc she always leaves comments showing love to this story. ILYSM. X


He bathes me until I forget their names
and faces.
I ask him to look me in the
eye when I come...

Why do you
deny yourself heaven? Why do you consider yourself undeserving?
Why are you afraid of love? You think it's not
possible for someone like you.

But you
are the love of my life.


"Are you ready for today's session Ms.Harleen?" the familiar british accent asked while entering the room we first met.

Mr. Malik.

"Oh I'm always ready." I said with a wink.

He just chuckled and took his seat in front of me.

I was sat in the same chair as yesterday and my limbs were chained up by the cold metal chains.

What's the problem with them? Do they think I'll attack everyone if they let me loose like last month?


"How are you feeling today?" Mr. Malik asked, still examining my files in his  hands.

"Fabulous as always!" I uttered in a sarcastic tone.

"Someone's in a mood, I see." he finally looked up at me, flashing me a smile.

I just noticed how perfectly allingned his teeth are.

"Anyways, guess what?" he said enthusiastically.


"You have to guess!"

I rolled my eyes so hard that I was shocked that they didn't fall out of their sockets.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I muttered under my breath.

"Guess, Guess."

"Ughh… Okay. Am I being deported to Afghanistan?"

"Eh!" he made a buzzer voice with his mouth.

Oh, he wants to play.

"Your boytoy" the voices inside of my head said.

They were very amusing sometimes. But right now, I'm playing this game with Mr. Malik.

"They're letting me go?"


"Batman accidentally killed Donald Trump."

"I wish." he laughed.

"Is my muffin' here to see me?" the words left my mouth before my brain could comprehend it.

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