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"Harley are you even listening to me?" Mr. Malik said while waving his hand in front of my face.

"It's not about him. It's about you. Trust me on this, Harleen."

"Why should I trust you?" I said looking straight into his hazel eyes.

"Because... Because I care. I am here for you Harley. I studied all of your report thoroughly Harley and, and I think I can help you." Mr. Malik said, never leaving my gaze.

"It's scary that everything you're saying could be a lie." I said, a tear threatening to escape my eye.

His features softened and he gulped down harshly.

"Everytime I trust somebody, they show me why I shouldn't." Horrible flashbacks started playing in my head, which haunt me every night when I try to sleep.

"It's hard to trust someone when the memories are pulling you back." I looked up to the ceiling so that the tears forming in my eyes don't fall. I have to be strong. For myself. All this time I neglected my feelings, neglected my dignity... Not anymore.

"A bad memory is just a stepping stone to a better one, Harley. I would do anything possible to help you. You have to trust me." I saw something in his eyes that was begging for me to have faith in him and hold his hand tight for this journey. The journey to a happy and normal life. The kind of life I've always dreaded, always dreamed of.

He showed up and gave me the one thing a woman in my situation shouldn't have...


"When he pushes you to the edge of difficulty, trust him fully. Because two things can happen. Either he'll catch you when you fall, or he'll teach you how to fly." My mother's words echoed through my mind.

I looked out of the small window, debating whether I should believe him and let him read me like an open book and take a look at all of my dark inner secrets that nobody knows.

"I'm tired of flying, mom. I hope this time someone catches me. Catches me when I fall..." I murmured while looking out of the window.

"I'm scared to trust again. I-I'm scared to get hurt again. I'm scared of being lied to again. I'm scared of being thrown away like garbage."

"I'm scared of falling..." I merely whispered hoping that he didn't hear me, still looking out of the window. I felt my heart ache with every word I spoke. I have been hurt so much that it's nearly impossible for me to trust anyone ever again.

He smiled, "I'll catch you."

My head snapped from the small window to look at him. He looked at me with genuinity in his eyes as if telling me how much he meant it when he said that.

I couldn't help the blush that crept on my cheeks. I have never felt like this since... since I can remember being with him.

"I'm flattered."I tried to say it as a joke but I meant it.

He just chuckled and continued, "So...?" he trailed off.

"I trust you." I said, the words leaving my mouth before my brain could comprehend it.

"Now I'm flattered." he said and I couldn't ignore the sparkle in his eyes.

"But-" I had one condition.

"No one else is allowed to hear our conversations, not even see what's going on in here." I demanded.

"I-I don't think that can happen Ms. Harleen." his professional tone back.

"Then forget that we ever had this conversation, pumpkin." I clearly stated. What the fuck does he mean by 'I don't think that can happen'? I opened up to him so much. I showed him my vulnerable side and he can't even do this little thing?

I trusted him, so why can't he trust me? It's not that I'm going to kill him in that isolated room... Or am I?

"Ugh, fine! I'll talk to Chief tomorrow and we'll figure out if we can fulfil your demand."

"That's better." I exclaimed.

"So I think that's it for today's session."

"Mhmm I guess so."

"So, I'll see you tomorrow." he said making his way towards the exit of the room and murmuring something into his walkie-talkie.

"Wait-" he turned around to face me surprised by my loud request.

"What?" he asked.

"Aren't you going to kiss me?" I asked while snickering lowly.

He looked at me, amusement clear all over his face. "Lets leave that for some other day." He winked at me.

"Be ready for tomorrow's session. You'll have to open up to me." his professional tone back.

"And FYI you are one stubborn ass girl." he smirked.

I laughed genuinely. "And FYI you are one sexy ass motherfucker." I winked at him.

He just smiled sheepishly at me and left without looking back.

I can't wait for tomorrow's session...

A/N: Short chapter yikes.

Sorry guys, this week was very rough for me so it took me a while to update.

p.s. Every teacher in my school hates me :c


Hope you enjoyed.

All the love.

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