CH 1

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Meet Him


You were walking down the street from school. Your past conversation with your mother on the phone  playing in your head.

"Dear, it seems like those pervs wouldn't leave you. I'm beginning to worry about you"

"Mom, don't worry. I can fight for myself"

"No, I'm really tired and really worried, these things keep on happening to you."

"Mom, I'm sure I'll scare them someday"

"...Well, do you remember my friend Mrs. Jasmine? The one who had an adopted son."


"Her son....He'll be moving into your apartment tomorrow, at 6 in the afternoon"

You choked on your dinner and almost dropped the phone.

"Wh-what!? A guy moving into my apartment?! MOM, this is way too much!"

"No I want you to be safe. I want you and him to get along. He might save your life one day."

" MoooOOOoooM!!!!"

And with that your mother ended the call.

You could never forget that conversation. You never met Mrs. Jasmine's son. But you heard a lot from him. You heard that he's a manager of a company that buys, sells and trades jewelry made out of real gold. He must be filthy rich, tall and handsome. Maybe staying with him wouldn't be so bad at all.

6:00 pm. You were at your apartment trying to memorize a ton of dates in History when there was a knock on the door. You stood up from your messed up study table , slipped into your comfy indoor slippers and peeked through the peephole. It was a man with raven hair, you wondered what was his business. You opened the door and got a better look at his face. It was grumpy.
"Excuse me... Is [Name] here?"

"Um... that's me..."

"Well... I'm Mrs. Jasmine's son.. Lance Rivaille"

You were shocked. This wasn't you expected. He was a grumpy shortie... the complete opposite of your expectation.

"Oh.... come in"

He went in with some bags. You showed him to his room. He was not satisfied... it seemed dirty for him. Dirty?! You even cleaned that room until you fainted! Soon time passed by and you were already laying on your comfy warm bed.But you couldn't sleep. His face was just so familiar. As you closed your eyes his face kept on popping out in your head, it was uncontrollable.

Why did he seem familiar?


A/N: I know it sucks = = but I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaallly trying to make it interesting.....


They're expecting a lot from us (Reader x Rivaille) [Attack on Titan ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz