Ch 5

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"Look, let me explain oka-?"

"So you lied to us? He's living here because you two.... are like...."

"NO! Listen!"

"Were you hiding this from us? Why?!"

"Guys! I can e-!!"

"He does look kinda handsome..."

"JUST SHUT UP OKAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

You shouted and your furious bounced against the walls and made a tiny echo. That echo was followed by silence. You were furious, that shortie just had an arguement with you and he just kisses you?! And now your friends are misunderstanding. That shortie wasn't helping at all, he just went back to his room.


You finally spoke after calming down.

"This was all my mom's idea... she forced us to act as if we're engaged. There aren't any special feelings and stuff. I dont understand why he kissed me a while ago. Why are you guys reacting too much? Like, you're angry and shocked."

"It's because... it seems like you don't trust us and you're hiding that Ravioli thing.And like you dont want us to interfere and you two want time alone. And you're forgetting us..."
Jean answered and sat on the couch.

"It's Rivaille.."
Eren corrected him.

"Who cares, punk..."

"What did you say?! You stupid horseface!"

They were about to start a fight but good think Mikasa stopped them.

"Guys, do you think you should fight while [Name]'s explaining?"

They stopped, looked at Mikasa and looked down nodding. They slowly went back to their seats.

"Look, I didn't hide this from you... I... just... didn't know how to tell you. I was planning on asking for some help. Maybe you wouldn't believe me..."

You continued on explaining, finally revealing what you feel.

"I understand, WE understand.... "
Jean looked up and turned his head to everyone

"...right guys?"


everyone else answered. You smiled. You were relieved that this thing was now settled.

'I love you guys... I'm grateful to have such friends..."

"Yep, this group of our's wouldnt be so awesome if I didn't join..."

With confidence,Jean placed his arms behind his head.

"Shut up, muffin-top hair"
Eren reacted.

You just sighed as the two continued to verbally fight ( are these the right words?) . You looked at the clock and gasped.

"Oh no! dinner!"

You rushed into the kitchen. After minutes, you and your friends were now eating dinner. with some chit chat, jokes and laughs. One seat was empty, and that was Rivaille's. Looks like he's still in his room. Maybe doing paperwork.  Sadly, after dinner it was time to go home. They had other stuff to do. Some of them were getting sleepy. So they left with cheerful yet sleepy good byes. After closing the door, you found a Rivaille eating alone in the dinner table.

" Paperwork made you late for dinner?"

You said as you got some juice from the fridge.

" Your friends are too noisy to eat with..."
He plainly said as he ate some meat.

" Well, at least they're not as grumpy and boring like you"
You took a sip from your juice-filled glass. The room became silent. You were right, being alone with him IS boring. You sat on a chair across from him and opened your phone.  Rivaille noticed something dangling from your wrist.

"Where did you get that?"

He asked, pointing a bit to your bracelet. You noticed it around your wrist. Memories came flashing. You remembered him... that thief who left you with a promise. You opened your mouth to answer.

"I....It's a gift from a friend... it's... handmade... so it might look crappy for you."
You ran a finger and touched some of the beads.
"I see, seems familiar. Maybe he actually bought than from somewhere."

"No, I saw him make this with my own eyes..."

A minute of silence fell.

"Did you see something similar to this...?"

Rivaille seemed to take some time for his reply.

'I dont know... it just seems familiar."

Then silence fell. You always didn;t know how to converse with this guy... he was stoic and boring. But somehow, you felt the need to make the conversation alive.

"He... was a nice friend"
You said in hope of a reply.

"... I see..."

" Well...people... misunderstood him... but he's a nice guy... It's sad that we're not seeing each other anymore..."
You looked down at your feet. You missed that guy, badly.

"His name was "L"... or maybe just a pen name. He didn't want to reveal his name since it might bring me to danger..."

"Why? Was he someone  despised? A criminal?"

"Criminal" was enough to describe your friend. 


"Why did you befriend him then?"
Rivaille asked after swallowing something.

" As I said earlier... he's a nice guy... people misunderstood him. He was stealing for survival. His father disappeared while he was working overseas. Turns out he died 2 years before they knew. Him and his mother were getting poor. Soon, he had to steal in order to take care of his mother. His mother was sick in bed. Sadly, his mother died and he was now alone. He continued to steal. He soon met me. I gave him food when he comes to visit. I pitied him."

You were getting to that bitter part, it was the end of your days of seeing him. You bit your lip for a while.

"Soon, the police found out about it and he ran off to somewhere... and he never came back..."

You didn't mention his promise, because he told you to keep it as a secret. Rivaille was finished by the time you were done. He stood up.

"It ended just like that?"


He got some water and drank.

"By the way, I'm off to work tomorrow. Your mom wants me to bring you to my office."


A/N: Hey guys! Was this chapter unsatisfactory?? Anyways I hope you liked it. And yes, Jean is a muffin-topped-haired guy. 

They're expecting a lot from us (Reader x Rivaille) [Attack on Titan ]Where stories live. Discover now