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My mom's Solution


The rain stopped.He got out a handkerchief.You tried to stay calm, your heart was beating. The man suddenly moved behind you and placed his hand with the hanky on your mouth. You ducked, avoiding his hand. You quickly run away. This was suddenly nostalgic for you. Wait... this wasn't the first time.This has happened to you a lot of times. You were running fast, the wind blowing your hair, the footsteps that were chasing you, all of these happen whenever you get into trouble. The feeling of loosing in the end, getting kidnapped or raped.  No one was going to save you, no matter how much you run. His footsteps were getting closer, louder and faster. Suddenly, memories came flashing. You're first trip to the zoo. That time you won the award. Meeting your 3 best friends. When you failed at learning how to ride a bike. When you graduated high school.

you met the thief that stole your heart.

You saw a place to hide and hid. You can only close your eyes and hope. Hope that you would get out of this. You heard the man's footsteps. You sat on the ground hugging your knees, you realized that you've been crying. You were scared. The footsteps suddenly stopped and you heard a "Thud". You decided to go out and see Rivaille standing next to the unconcious man.

"When did you -?"


He grabbed your wrist and hurried to his car. After he and you got in he immediately started the car and drove. It became silent as you were able to breath and wiped your tears.

"There was traffic...when I got to your school you weren't there. So I started to find you"

He stated not removing his eyes from the road. He looked at you, he remembered seeing you with tears and a scared face. 

"I see, your mom was right. You do look like you need someone to watch over you"

You were going to reply with "I'm strong, dont need help" but you remembered what happened earlier. This time, you just felt so relieved.

'...Thank you..."
Hours later you arrived at your apartment. Before doing piles of assignment you decided to have dinner with Rivaille. The room was silent. Rivaille was just eating the food you prepared. You somehow felt that you were hoping for him to like your cooking. Why? Was it because you felt like you needed to thank him more for what he did? The phone's ringing disturbed your thoughts. You stood up and answered the call.

"Hello? Oh, mom"

"Hi, how are you doing?  Can I speak to Rivaille please?"

You handed the phone to the man. After some minutes he handed it back to you.


Your mom shouted, she was shocked of what happened. You heard your mom sigh.

"I have to find a solution to this"

"Mom, it's alright. I;m fine."

"No it's not! This time, I'll do whatever it takes you keep you safe."

She took her time on thinking. Until she finally thought of an answer.

"Alright... You will pretend that he's your fiance"

You gasped and you eyes widened like never before. Rivaille was just curious of what's going on.

"MOM! You've gone way to far!!!"

"I told you didnt I? I'd do anything to protect you.. even if it means forcing you"


And with that she ended the call and left your jaw hanging.

"What happened?"

Rivaille asked.

"She..... to pretend that we're................engaged"


A/N: > . < Srry if there isnt any fluff... dont have any idea. Sorry if it's sucky!!! > , < TT^TT

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