First Morning

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Francesco's Pov
I woke up with Isabella in my arms, her head nestled in my arm and her bubble butt pressed against my leg. I moved my free arm and stretched it up running my fingers through my hair. This was so perfect, us. Finally. The only downside is I have a little over a week to get her to sleep with me which I know won't go so well. The last thing I need is for Chris to tell Madi and then Madi passes it on to Bella.
"Morning baby girl." I said looking down at Isabella who rubbed her eyes open and she flashed me her beautiful bright smile.
"Morning." She mumbled and buried her head back into my chest. "I wanna stay here forever."
I kissed the top of her head. "Me too baby." I smiled to myself. I hate that I got it so good and the fact that I might ruin this all because of some stupid bet worries me. "I need you to listen to me."
"What's wrong?" She kissed my bare chest sending me tingles and looked up at me.
"I'm a screw up and whenever some thing good happens to me I mess shit up so if you don't wanna be with me that's fine."
"Hey..." She squeezed my hand. "Don't say that." She sighed.
I looked away and closed my eyes.

"Aw does Cesco' want a kiss?" She said in a baby voice teasing me and I nodded my head and opened my eyes. "Come get me then!" She said and ran out of my room forcing me to chase her around my house.
"Bellaaaaaaa!" I yelled watching her run up my stairs as my top was rising up her body revealing her black lacy underwear.  Little did she know in the moment running upstairs would mean trapping herself because she couldn't get back down without running into me. "You didn't think this own through did you." I said taking my time walking up the stairs.
"Shit!" I heard her say as she struggled to find a hiding space in the nearest bedroom that she found, the guest bedroom.
I quietly walked into the room and before she could run away she was in my arms. "Nice try." I said and we both laughed at ho childish we were being. "Come here." I said and grabbed her waist close to me and pulled her in for a kiss. As the kiss picked up I grabbed her thighs and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist her hands around my neck lightly pulling on my hair. We laid down on the bed and continued. She rolled us over so that she was on top of me. I gripped her ass which made her giggle. "God this feels good to do." She said and I smirked then she started kissing me again until I broke the kiss. "What's wrong?" She looked at me and I didn't answer I just admired her beauty. "God your beautiful." I said sighing.

"Francesco I'm home!" My mom yelled from downstairs.
"Oh my god." I whispered and jumped off the bed. "Here put this on." I threw her a pair of woman's shorts so that she had pants on.
"Where did you-"
"Don't worry long story just follow my lead." I said and she nodded back. "Yeah mom I'm up here with uh....Isabella." I said nervously.
"What are you guys....actually never mind." She said and I face palmed myself. So there we were looking ridiculous walking downstairs for her to finally meet my mom.
"It's gonna be fine." Bella chuckled totally calm about the situation as we entered the kitchen.
"So your the girl who's been driving him crazy!" She did excited to meet her and didn't fail to embarrass me which I figured would happen.
"That's me!" Isabella flashed her beautiful smile and instead of shaking my moms hand they both went in for hug.
"Did you tell her I was a hugger Cesco' because I am and if she didn't know that I was and just went in for a hug she's a keeper." My mom winked at me.
"Okay I think that's enough from you." I said and tried to pull Isabella out of the room with me.
"She's just as beautiful as you described her too!" My mom laughed as I passed back and forth waiting for the moment to end.
"Okay we're gonna go now so if you need anything just knock on my door." I dragged Isabella out of the room.

"Your mom is so sweet." Bella gushed.
" you!" I whined. "Now if you don't go put some proper clothes on I might throw you back into my bed." I smirked making her pout.
She threw off my top and the random pair of shorts that I gave her and slipped her outfit from last night back on. "Okay well I should go home my mom won't stop texting me." She frowned.
"I'll walk you out." I got up and she grabbed her phone and purse.
"Bye Teresa!" She said making a detour to my mom.
"See you soon hun." I knew that she made my mom happy since I've never had a real girlfriend before.
"Bye baby girl." I kissed her head as we hugged good bye.
She waved to me from inside her black car and drove off. God I wish she could have stayed with me forever. After that my mom wouldn't stop asking me questions about her which kind of ,see me happy to hear how interested she is in my life.

______trip to Mexico_____

Isabella and Francesco decided not to tell anyone about there relationship..they would rather have their group of friends notice by themselves. And something that has been kept from both of them, Chris told Madi about the bet and she doesn't know if she should tell Isabella because she doesn't think it's a big might be a bigger deal if they were dating which is happening but not to Madi or anyones knowledge.

"Chris is this all?" The co pilot of the private jet came as everyone sat around a big semi circle couch. The jet was designed beautifully, everyone in there was used to this except for Madi and Isabella so they took as many pictures as possible. "Yeah this is all of us thanks Mark."                                    "remember if you need anything just page us and the attendant will come, the flight is 3 hours and were gonna begin take of in a  few minutes...have a good flight." Mark said and then left us with a bottle of champagne and glasses.

"Okay I have something to say." Chris said as Zoe began to pour the champagne in all the glasses. "I want to thank you all for coming, whether I've known you for years now or we just met I'm so excited to spend more years with you all...thank you!" He said and everyone said their thank you just before they clinked glasses sipping their champagne.

Francesco motioned his head signaling Isabella to come sit beside him. She made her way there and sat on his lap. No one thought anything of it because Francesco usually let's her do that.

He leaned in to kiss her which shocked everyone

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He leaned in to kiss her which shocked everyone. they could hear everyone freaking out in the background so most of their kiss was broken by smiling.

"ARE YOU GUYS ACTUALLY TOGETHER!!" Madi yelled and jumped on Isabella along with all the other girls in the jet. "About time you asked her buddy." Jakob said and patted Francesco back. " you guys want your own room like Jakob, Kaylee,Madi and me do? Or no?" Chris asked. Francesco and Bella looked at each other and nodded. "If you can then ya but if not don't worry about it." Isabella said.   "But we prefer the room so you know we can have our....privacy." Francesco threw in with a smirk and Chris winked at him.                                                                      "Really....your too much Cesco'." Isabella laughed. That's when Madi realized that she had to tell her sooner or later because she didn't want her to end up being forced into something that she didn't want to do.

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