Not just a girl

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<<With his hands still wrapped around her waist he tilted his head out and over her shoulder looking at her. "Yeah well.....your lucky I love you." The second those 3 words and 8 letters rolled of his tongue Isabellas stomach dropped, her throat dried and the world was spinning. "Y-you what?" She stuttered nervously. >>

Before Francesco could speak.."Okay let's get a move on it guys!" Zoe yelled and everyone left the room. Francesco looked her in the eyes, cupped her face with his hands and kissed the temple of her head. Isabella blushes slightly and caught up with the rest of the girls as they all made there way out of the beach house and into the car that is permanently there that was bought by Chris' dad. Since only 5 of the, could fit in Chris' car which were Chris, Madi, Atiana, Gia and Ben. That left Francesco, Isabella, Zoe, Kaylee and Jakob in a big taxi. "Cesco' we get Bella tonight move over." Kaylee said and made sure that Isabella was in the back seats with the girls as Jakob and Francesco sat together in the front. "'s the bet going?" Jakob said quietly to Francesco as the girls were too busy talking. Francesco looked back at Isabella and back to Jakob. "I love her man...I don't think I can do that to her." He said worried. "We can talk with the guys after...I know what you mean though....I'd never to that to Kaylee." Jakob said and patted Francesco's arm. Soon enough he cars pulled up in a parking lot of the Mexican restaurant. "Wait wait wait Belle...stand there I need to take a picture of you." Francesco smiled and pulled out his phone. "If we're taking a picture we're taking one Zoe can you?" Isabella passed Zoe her phone. "Ya ya ya sure." She smiled. First they posed normally with his arm around her back smiling and then Isabella nodded signalling Zoe to take another. Isabella lifted her head and gave Francesco the cutest picture perfect kiss. She held her lips to his bottom lip for a second after they broke the kiss and she smiled looking him in the eye.

"Can we please go eat I'm starving!" Jakob complained. "Why do you always ruin their moments god dammit Jakob!" Kaylee hit his arm and smirked at him giving Isabella an apologetic look. "Ok baby girl let's go eat." Francesco put his hand on the small of her back as they walked in together being greeted and seated by workers of the restaurant.
"Hola, ¿qué puedo empezar con ustedes." The server asked thinking they spoke Spanish. "Guys I got this." Isabella said to everyone. "Hola, yo hablo español, así que puedo traducir para ellos." (Hi I speak Spanish so I will translate for them.) "Si Si Si." The server allowed her to translate for them. Francesco was amazed by how well she spoke it, not to mention he found it kind of hot too. After a dinner full of laughs everyone went back in their cars and came back to the house.
"Wow that food was good." Ben rubbed his stomach as everyone sat in the living room of the beach house. "Only in Mexico." Isabella smiled.
"Okay so I was thinking that tomorrow we should go to one of those caves that have the water in it so that we can swim....they seem really sick." Chris said. "I've been to like 1 before when I came to Mexico and I had the best time." Gia said smiling. "Okay so everyone should be up for what?" Chris asked needing opinions. "8:00am?" Atiana asked and everyone nodded in agreement. "After that I think I'm gonna go visit my family...I mean I can walk from here and I'll only be a couple hours, any of you guys are welcome to come." Isabella said and held Francesco's hand.
"Well as I said before, I'm coming with you and I wouldn't let you walk there alone." He smiled being protective of her.


Just a bit after 1:30am everyone started making there way to bed which also implied that Francesco and Isabella would have to talk about what he said earlier. The thought of him being in love with her freaked her out but also made her question if she felt the same. "You just met him Belle." Was the only thing running through her mind at the moment. Was it possible that she loved him already?

"Jheez I'm tired." Isabella said as they walked into the room and she threw her hair into a perfectly 'messy bun' that usually take people forever to master. "So are we gonna talk about it." Francesco spoke out jumping right into it smirking and walked up to her. "The fact that you said you loved me or the fact that I can speak perfect Spanish and you were blow away." She smiled proudly.
"Nooo." He dragged the word out. "Actually yes." He said and thought about how well she spoke."-but no the first one." He chuckled. She just stood there waiting for him to speak. "Okay listen Belle..I don't need you to say it back I just wanted you to know. And yes I know my timing sucks but I've fallen so hard for you Belle." He gushed slightly blushing which made Isabella happy. "Francesco you know I like you.....a lot." She admitted making him smirk. "I just don't know i-"
"-Shhhhhh...." He put his finger over her lips letting the space between then get smaller and then replaced his finger with his lips.
After the kiss Isabella's eyes stayed closed and slowly opened as she said. " uh really know how to shut girls up." She smirked.
"Do you really think your just 'a girl' to me.....A. I've never had a real relationship. B. You'd more then just a girl to me and you know that." He smirked making her blush. She walked away and slipped one of his tee shirts on showing off her cute toned butt. "You know I brought pyjamas this time but I'd rather wear your clothes." She smiled and went inside the bed waiting for him to join. He stared at her as she slipped in the bed...mostly watching her butt when he couldn't see her face of course. "You know you really know how to make Francesco number two happy eh?" He admitted and walked up to the bed when she sat up on it and put her hands under his top exploring his mouth watering muscles and lifted his top over his head. "Okay now your doing it on purpose princess." He said and put the top on the floor beside the bed and turned the lap off.
"I aim to please." She said and kissed his cheek as he put his arm around her and pulled her close to his chest which she rested her head on.
"Good night princess." He kissed her head and she placed a soft kiss on his muscular chest. "Good night Cesco'."

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