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"Baby you gotta get up." Francesco kissed Isabella's cheeks over and over trying to get her out of bed. "Mmmmmm." She took her hand out from under the covers and shooed him away. "Fine I guess we're all just gonna go without you, and trust me there will be many girls there that I'm sure will be all over me." He teased her trying to convince sleeping beauty out of bed. "No no no no no I'm up, I'm good, I'm ready for the day....and sure as hell ready to make sure no girl goes near you." Isabella said stretching out of bed and then rubbed her eyes looking at Francesco who was smirking at her. " put this on and be downstairs in 10 everyone is waiting baby girl." He threw Isabella her favorite bathing suit which was also Francescos favorite excuse to check her out.

"Here we are." Francesco said and grabbed Isabella's hand as the group got out of the cabs and met up with the instructor who would help them get down to the water. After a few minutes of instructions the man led them down to wooden stairs which went all the way down into the cave where you then had a little dock in the water to jump off of.
"You ready?" Isabella asked Francesco as the lead them down into the swimming area of the cave. "Oh yeah I'm" He said making sure that she knew how confident he was in this.
"You know I am." She smiled and pointed to the hanging rope that he could swing off and jump into the water with.
"Should I?" He asked her showing an unrestful look on his face.
"Go...have fun I mean your only gonna do this once." She smiled and kissed his cheek nodding her head.
"I love you." He said making her blush and he kissed her quickly after grabbing the peace of wood on a rope and swing across.

"You know

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"You looked really hot doing that." Isabella said treading the water with Francesco as she was lightly biting her lip. "Oh did I?" He asked swimming in closer to her as she wrapped her legs around his waist smirking. "Mmmmhhhmmm." She giggled and tilted her head to land her lips perfectly on his. Once again a moment she never wanted to end, was it because of how beautiful the setting around them looked? Or how beautiful this man looked in front of her giving her his all. Having made all these friends this summer and being opened up to so many new things was truly and opportunity of a life time and she knew that Francesco would do anything to make her happy even if it meant just staying in bed with her all day playing with Isabella's hair as they watched cartoons.

3 hours later
"Okay guys I think it's time for us to go." Isabella's smiled waving at everyone from the front door of the beach house and holding Francesco's hand with her other. Isabella was the slightest bit nervous she couldn't tell if it was because she was gonna see her family that she hasn't seen in a few years or because they will meet Francesco and let's just say her family isn't the easiest family to be convinced of relationships or except them. As they walked for about 6 minutes in the gated community with butterflies in Isabella's stomach...actually scratch that KILLER butterflies. Soon enough they arrived at a typical Spanish tiled roof in Mexico. It was actually one of the bigger ones on the street. Isabella's family has their own restaurant here so they are pretty well off.

Isabella's nervously walked up to the front door and squeezed his hand to let out her nerves. She could hear the family chattering in an argument of who would go open the door. Keep in mind they don't know who they are opening the door to. As her grandmother opened the door she said a typical "Hola buenos dias- AIII!" (Hi good day) She yelled not expecting her and threw her hands over her. Odd as the rest of the family ran to the door to see what all the hype was. "Abuela!" (grandma) Isabella said happily as she squeezed her body. "ISABELLA!" The rest of the family yelled as they all through themselves at her. The family consisted of her grandmother Maria, her aunt Adrianna, her uncle José and their two kids which where 5 and 6 years old, Gabriella and Francesca. Most of the family knew how to speak some broken English so it wouldn't be too hard for Francesco to understand.

"Hola!" The little girls said shyly and went to go give Isabella a hug.
"Si now who is this?" Adrianna pointed to Francesco smiling and patted his shoulder and Francesco let out a light chuckle. "This is boyfriend." Isabella said smiling ear to ear as Francesco wrapped his arm around her waist. "Aiii hola hola hola!" Her grandmother threw her arms around him welcoming him to the home. "Sentarse y decirnos lo que te trae por aquí Bella." (Come sit and tell us what brings you here to Mexico) her grandmother said motioning her hands to the table pulling out chairs for them. "So why Mexico?" José asked. "Me and my friends came on a trip he has a beach house right down the street and obviously I wouldn't miss the chance to come see you guys." Isabella said and looked down at the girls who were watching her every move giggling. "Chicas ¿qué haces." (girls what are you doing?) Isabella asked. "Su tan hermoso." (Your so beautiful) Gabriella giggled and had a kiss planted on her cheek by Isabella. Francesco was too deep in conversation to notice what the girls asked her. "Lo amo?" (love him) Francesca tilted her head cutely and pointed her finger at Francesco. Isabella ducked down and looked at both of the girls. "Si." (yes) She smiled too nervous to tell Francesco but opened up to the girls. "Ai Isabella." Her grandmothers words snapped her back to reality as she lifted herself up to face her family. "Do you guys want some long are you staying?" Maria asked them both putting her hand on top of Isabellas. "Isabella!" Adrianna and Josés older daughter and her boyfriend came through the door. Her name is Anita, she's 16 years old and was Isabella's favourite cousin along with Anita's boyfriend who was also 16 his name was Antonio. "I've missed you so much." Isabella squeezed her. "What you doing here?" Antonio asked his with his broken English giving her a hug. "Me and boyfriend-." She blushed. "-Are staying here with friends for 2 more days."
"Si si it's nice to meet you Francesco." Antonio shook his hand.
"Bella we need picture...vamos." Anita walked away with Isabella to take a picture including the family's dog, Rocco.

" Anita walked away with Isabella to take a picture including the family's dog, Rocco

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After a few hours of catching up and eating her grandmothers food which she forced on to them, obviously they were craving more and more when they started eating...the visit came to an end. With heart felt and emotional goodbyes Isabella and Francesco walked back to the beach house. It was about 7:30 pm now and the rest of their friends had already eaten also so everyone decided to do a little night swimming in the beautiful infinity pool out back. The night was spent laughing and making memories that would last forever.

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