Last day

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After a few more memorable days of Mexico today was the final day. Isabella and Francesco were really enjoying themselves and each others company of course, there's no other place they would rather be. All though he never completed the bet, he still would never tell Isabella what he sadly agreed too even though he didn't go through with it.

Everyone was relaxing and catching their last rays of the beautiful sun by the pool when Isabella felt a tap on her shoulder...Francesco.
"I thought you were getting me a drink." She lifted her head up and removed her sunglasses looking Francesco in the eye.
"That can wait." He said and grabbed her hand. Everyone was too dazed to pay any attention to the couple heading upstairs to the bedroom, which of course led to a hot makeup session.
Francesco lightly pushed Isabella onto the bed and hovered his body over her when then they just looked each other in the eye thanking God for this moment. He caressed her face with his thumb and placed a kiss on her forehead. Isabella grabbed his face and placed his lips onto hers, their tongues danced in each other's mouths exploring each other.
Francesco brought his hand up to her bathing suit top and slipped one of the straps down her arm causing her to freak out a bit. Isabella moved her body slightly so that he would be unbalanced.

"I'm-I'm uh....not ready, I'm sorry baby." Isabella said feeling embarrassed and slipped the strap back on and they both got up from the bed. Francesco walked towards her and Isabella's heart started racing.
He gave her a nod and smiled softly before kissing her forehead and walked outside while Isabella stayed in the room slowly making her way out behind him.


Nearly 3 hours until they have to pack up and board the private jet again Madi calls Isabella aside and talks to her at the front of the house.

Isabella's Pov
As I poured myself a vodka lemonade from the fridge to calm myself down before our flight, Madi tapped me on the shoulder and signalled me to follow her to the front of the house. The guys stayed and watched tv in the living room while the girls nodded their heads at me and Madi went to the front.

"So....what's the 411?" I asked her sipping my lemonade. "Okay listen Belle...I don't know how your gonna take this or react-" Madi said and put both her hands on either sides of my shoulders. "-but I'm your best friend and you should know this." Madi said looking into my eyes gaining my full attention.
"Madi your freaking me out what is it?"
"Well...when we were at the lake house the guys made a bet with Francesco, they made him attempt to sleep with you within the next 4 or 5 weeks after that I'm not sure. But did you guys-"
"No we didn't! And mark my words we never.....ever...will!" I said raising my voice pacing back and forth.
"He agreed to it and Chris told me and I had to tell you but I wanted to wait until the end of the trip....I didn't want to ruin it for you Belle." Madi hugged me as tears formed in my eyes.
This can't be happening. I trusted him, and I wanted us to work I really did but I know after this there will never be an US again and damn right I will make that clear.

After a few minutes of trying to calm myself off outside I stormed into the house and head up to the second floor where mine and that assholes room was. I grabbed my suit case and threw it on the bed packing only my things not caring how neat the luggage was. Mid roughly stuffing the luggage while huffing and puffing Francesco enters the room and of course I stay silent.
"Hey baby." He said and crept behind me sliding his hands around my waist as I roughly threw them off me and stepped away from him.

"Belle if this is about what happened before-"
"It's not." I said coldly and rolled my eyes continuing to pack my bag and grab clothes hanging in the closet.
"Then could I at least get a hint?" He smirked thinking this was all a joke.
"You want a many more days do you have left to get me to sleep with you." I crossed my arms death staring him as I could see his face turn pale. He swallowed hard and looked down to his feet then up to me. "I don't know what your talking abo-"
"Just stop!" I raised my voice. "Everything you told me was a lie....this relationship was a lie....the things you told me about your self a lie...and you know what worst of never gave a damn about me did you Francesco....I was just a game, I should of just listened to everyone." I said trying my hardest to keep on my tears that were reading to escape my eyes and flow out like Niagara Falls. "Baby listen-" "NO! Don't you dare baby me? My heart? It fucking hurts. I love you, more then you could ever imagine, I never thought that would be possible for me to obtain again but it did, and it was the best feeling in the world, I really thought that you had been the best thing that ever happened to me, but I guess it was too good to be never loved me did you?" I narrowed my eyes at him and took a deep breath.
"Belle you got this all wrong....nothing I said was a lie you have to believe me." He pleaded.
"Oh really...wasn't a lie huh." I mumbled to myself. "Sorry but when you told me about yourself you left out 'lying 2 faced asshole who plays with girls hearts and just wants sex'....sound familiar?" I rolled my eyes and threw in a top from the closet. He clenched his jaw and walked up to me holding my face. I'm not sure why I let him but I could at least hear what he has to say. His perfect brown eyes looked into mine and I knew he was hurting just as much as I was. "I was never gonna do it Belle I swear....I would never do that to you so this isn't a big deal." He said trying to convince me.

"Isn't a big't a big deal. Remember when I told you about my breakup with Zac?" I said and he nodded nervously. My body was trembling just at the memory of this. "I thought he was in love with me...I thought we'd be together forever and I thought nothing could break us apart......" I said and swallowed hard. "Not even my baby." My words pierced my heart like an arrow. I could tell by his face that this took him by shock. He didn't know what to say now.

"A-a-a baby?" He stuttered in shock wide eyed. My tears where swimming around my eyes slowly releasing.
"A baby that he told me we would raise together....until I found out he was cheating on me while I was pregnant, 5 months. The baby was almost ready to be born....I was so excited." I said smiling lightly to myself and sat on the edge of the bed until my smile turned into a frown. "He told me he never loved me, felt anything for me at all." I narrowed my eyes at the floor wishing I'd never met him. "He just wanted me for sex. So you know what he did." I stood up. "He made me get an 5 month old baby girl never made it because of that son of a bitch. He forced me to do it and I had no choice, he was a rich white guy who would do anything to not get a bad label for himself, his family threatened to sue mine and before I knew it I was baby less....and heartless until I found you Francesco."
"Baby I didn't know-"
"I don't want your pitty." I said as the tears escaped my eyes. "I just never want to see you ever again." I wiped my tears, grabbed my bags and walked into the hallway.
"I know what you told the girls." (Her baby cousins) Isabella turned around from the hall way to face him standing close to the door way of the room. "....that you were in love with me."
"Right......that's when I thought you were worth it...." I cried lightly but continued to wipe my tears. "We are done Francesco, go hit on some other girl I'm sure you can get her in bed within 5 weeks." I made a snarky comment and with that I sat outside with Madi for another hour until the plane came. Everyone sensed the tension building, I made sure to sit far away from him on the jet. And in these moments I hated him. I didn't want to. But I did, and I knew that this wasn't forgivable. Francesco of all people took advantage of me, I really did think he loved me, the worst part.....I loved him too. Guess that was just a one way relationship.

Francesco Pov
I didn't know what to think, all I knew was that she hated me. And me? I hated myself even more for what I did. If only she knew I'd never do it, yes I had a slip up this after noon but I would wait until she was ready, if only she knew how in love I was with her. I sat at the opposite end of the jet as her with my ear phones in completely ignoring everyone and anything around me. Any time I looked up at her she was wrapped in a blanket and sleeping. 3 more hours and your home Francesco you can do this. The thing that you can't do? Live without her, her smile, her voice, her sarcasm, her eyes looking into mine, her lips, Isabella Rodrigues what have you done to me.

Before I knew it I was home, alone which is how I planned to be until I could get her back.
Texts between Chris and Francesco:
C: you sure your okay buddy?
F: how could I be okay...
C: sorry man it's just I'm worried I know how mad she got and damn the pregnancy part really suck.
F: 'really sucks' that's it.....her baby is dead because of that asshole, she hates him and she hates me, I did something I promised never to do and I hate myself for it.

Isabella was heartbroken not once but twice...I thought I could make her happy, do everything I said that I wouldn't but as I told her anytime something good happens in my life I find a way to ruin it. Why do I have to be such a let her, my mom, my friends and myself.  Madi says that Isabella never wants to talk to me again while I want the opposite, I wish I could see her beautiful face every single day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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