Mexico day 1

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"Wait...Chris we're going to Playa Car right?" Isabella asked as she sat beside Francesco.
"Yup!" He popped the p.
"So it would be okay if for one day I went to go visit my grandparents and some family that lives there?" She asked.
"Yeah yeah yeah I didn't know you had family there that's cool."
"Yeah well there getting old and they haven't seen me in 2 years so this would be a good surprise for them." She smiled excited.
"I wanna come with you." Francesco said and put his hand on her thigh.
"Really?" She smiled.
"Ya why not? Who knows when I'll get to meet them again right?" He smirked and me and pulled me into his embrace unknowingly that I would fall asleep there and wake up when we were landing.


"Princess." I could hear Francesco's voice faintly. "Belle." I heard him say again and then his soft lips pressed against my forehead as my eyes opened happy to see him. "I'd let you sleep but we're here."
"Already I can't believe I slept for 3 hours."
"I can't believe I let you sleep on me for 3 hours."
I narrowed my eyes at him and hit his arm lightly frowning. "Be nice."
"I'm kidding I'd rather have you with me then anywhere else." He looked at me pressing our forests together as I captured this moment in my brain hoping to never forget it.

"See why can't you be like that." Kaylee whined from across the jet looking at Jakob who was beside her.
"Maybe I would be if you were nicer to me." He crossed his arms and looked at her smirking.
"Not gonna happen." She stuck her tongue out at him giggling.
"That's what I thought." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"We love our fans." Francesco said making fun of them laughing at Jakob.
"Fuck off." Jakob flashed him the finger playfully.


"Woah....." I said as entering me and Francesco's room as he thankfully held our bags, I doubt it was heavy for him because the mans got muscle. He placed the bags on the bed and we walked up to the window with our picture perfect view of the ocean. I could stare at that beautiful water forever. "Isn't it gorgeous?" I asked Francesco as he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my cheek. He moved beside me put his arm around me pulling me close.
"I think my views better." He said when I turned to look at him staring at me. The things this man could make me do to him play through my brain teasing me. I turned my body and admired his perfect features. "I could say the same for you." I said causing him to smirk when I slightly went on my tip toes to reach his lips softly pressing ours together and again just like the memory in the jet wishing this moment never had to end.
"Aye party's over!" Jakob yelled barging in our room making us pull away from each other.
"Really man?" Francesco seemed quite upset, not that I wasn't either.
" I said parties over were in get your bathing suits on and meet us at the beach." Jakob ordered and clapped his hands trying to snap us back to reality. "CHOP CHOP!"

"Babe the waters so warm." I yelled to Francesco who was standing at the end of the crashing water with his toes in the sand. "I'll come in a bit." He smiled at went to go tan on the chairs with the guys.
"Hey Belle look her." Madi said making me turn around to get a load of water splashed in my face, I wasn't going down without a fight so me being me I fought back. "Wait Belle watch out!" She yelled at me but from all the sounds of the splashing water I was sending her I couldn't make out her words. So I turned back around done sign splashing her as I crashed into a rock hard muscular chest. Not once, not twice but three times have I relived this moment. "How many more times do you think we're gonna meet this this?" I laughed as we walked deeper into the water with everyone. "I thought you weren't com-"
"I'm here now aren't I." He cut me off smirking and pulled me closer to him.
"You sure want me all to yourself don't you." I smiled and lifted my head to look at him.
"Yeah well with all these random guys watching you, I'd like to have you with me." He said and held my chin up still facing me and planted an almost kiss on me until we were greeted by the warm water being splashed on us by everyone else.
"NO MORE KISSING!" Jakob yelled at us....again.
"You sure like to interrupt us don't you?" I said crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at him as the water stopped hitting us. "Yeah is this like entertaining for you?" Francesco added in.             "Pretty much ya, it is." Jakob laughed. "Just let them live Jakob." Kaylee said walking by him. "Or we won't go up to "bed"" She did air quotations. "Early tonight." She turned and faced him smirking. "You know what you guys enjoy, I'll be over there." He said and pulled Kaylee into his arms kissing her head. Francesco nodded and smiled.

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