Things improve... or Do They????

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The beach was crashing treacherously on the shores of Ogygia. It had been around three days since Sally had come and they had encountered that terrifying scene. Nico was terrified to be honest. And it wasn't just Nico. It was so scary to see the most optimistic person they knew to slowly unravel. It was as though he was slowly tearing apart and the walls he had built were breaking down.

Sally being here had actually helped in Percy's recovery. It was like she was spreading her positivity and strength. After that encounter three days ago, Percy had stayed awake for a longer time than usual. He was slowly getting better physically, but they knew that he was still carrying a huge emotional and mental burden on his shoulders.
Seeing the bags under his eyes it was clear that even after a weeks recovery he was still bothered and scared and burdened due to all that had happened in the past month.

Annabeth knew not what to do. She was terrified that whatever she was about to do would just pull all the improvement that Percy had gone through would just come undone.
She didn't want that. She knew that they wouldn't be a good couple especially after everything that happened they were too broken to help each other.
Thinking of all that, that had happened in the past few days made her realize that whatever was her decision was a really good one. Seeing that Nico was Percy's confidante and the only one he was actually listening to other than his mother. She had started to realize that Nico had once again jumped in to save the scene for his love. And that was enough to make her stand to her decision of breaking up with Percy.


Sea green eyes were lost on the horizon. As he waited for another day, another hour. He didn't know what he was waiting for, only thing he knew was that he wasn't the same and didn't know if he would ever be. The scars had come back, as fresh as the day they were given.
He remembers each day, each bruise, cut and wound that he got. With those thoughts he had slowly drifted off to sleep.

Percy sat there, middle of the park, watching the other kids play with each other, their parents and he just wished he could join them. Though he never restricted himself in approaching themselves the rest of the kids didn't want him to play with him. He was always a freak, in school, at home, in the park. Being Dyslexic being able to hear weird sounds in water from fishes and horses, being able to breathe underwater were never considered to be normal everyday tasks that everybody engaged in so more often than not he was discarded from society.

In school the situation was worse for him. He was picked on. Being lithe and sort of tiny for his age, Percy was the target for many bullies. Sometimes it went overboard with physical injuries and names that he was called. Weird, Freak, Worthless, Dumb just added to the sea of words already thrown at him everyday. His dictionary was limited to things he heard on a frequent basis, and these, being few of the many things he heard regularly it included these.

He didn't know why he was even avoided all he wanted was one friend. A single one who would be there with him. a single person ready to help him. With this thought the boy drifted off into a slumber imagining to be lulled by the swooshing of the winds and the water in the lake near by.

#####Part II of flashback#####

There he was, the boy he was looking for standing in the midst of bones, being pulled down by them. The closer he went, trying to help him, the more the boy was being pulled in. The demigod's mischievous blue eyes, radiating the terror they felt. Percy felt blamed. He couldn't stand with himself that all these wars ended up doing were killing more people and not considering or thinking about what was happening. He felt disgusted with himself because he didn't help and save them when he had the chance to. He felt as though he was a killer, murderer, their murderer. He felt as though he should be punished. He should be the one to be taken away from this land of living and rot in the depths of the underworld. He couldn't accept or comprehend the fact that he was not in any way or form the reason or the cause of the deaths of all these demigods. Trying to pull the devils and demons in his head, the sea-green eyed boy pinched and pulled on his skin. Leaving bruises and pinch marks on his body.

*****flashback ends*****

It had been quiet sometime after Percy had dozed off. Annabeth was looking for him. She has been avoiding not talking to Percy, especially about them breaking up, for quite a long time now. She knew she had to get it done with, but she also knew that it wouldn't be easy.

When she saw a body curled into fetal position, trembling and whimpering incoherently she ran to them, expecting exactly who it would be there. Seeing her best friend so torn apart, she was heart broken. She didn't want Percy to go through everything. As she saw the nail impressions and the unhealed scabs that were unconsciously pulled out, she wasn't sure what else she could expect but made a promise that she would always be there for him and help him.


So.... Hows everyone. I know that I was MIA for a very long time. Anyhow.... Today... is my Birthday and i'm turning 18.... so.... yay!!! for me... for being able to survive another year.... so.. anyhow.

What did you think about it. Comment. Vote. Let me know....



P.S: i'm not sure when the next update will be so.... yeah....but there will be one.... so... rest assured....

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