That day, My Birthday

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"Mom, can I ask you something?" I ask as she prepare for a meeting with my uncles.

"Sure, hunny... What is it?" She turns her back at me, allowing me access to put her necklace on.

"Why are we called the Evil Nobles?" My mother stop moving. Obvious that she hides something.

"Where did you get the idea that we are being called Evil Nobles?" She returns the question.

"Mom, answer me. I'm old enough to know! Please mom, I need to know the truth."  She sighs.

"Vanessa, you're right. You are old enough to know. We are called the Evil Nobles because we dispose of anyone who does not abide by Her Majesty's laws, or if the Queen thinks that this person or group of peron can be a threat to all of London." She explains. I sat there, waiting silently. My mother tries to comfort me, but it did not help. I got out of my mother's room and into my room.

Silence was the only thing heard in my room. I got of my room to look for someone to talk to. But silence was the only thing heard.









Too silent. I entered every single room I pass by.

The last room I haven't entered was my parents' room. I barged in seeing my parents burn to ashes. The whole room lights up and it starts burning. I wanted to save my parents, but there wasn't anything left to save. I kneel down, crying by my parents' ashes.

Someone grabs my arm. He pulls me back and cover my mouth. Then I passed out.

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