Chapter 9

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We arrive in front of a funeral house.

"So, where are we?" Lau asks.

"A minute ago, you acted like you knew where we were going!" Madam Red yells. We enter the funeral house and look for Undertaker, the owner's actual name.


A coffin opens, showing Undertaker.

"Well, well, well. Have you finally come to join me in of my coffins, my lady?" Undertaker says as usual.

"Don't be ridiculous.  Now, what do you know about Jack the Ripper?" I roll my eyes.

"Oh, I get it. The funeral house is just your cover image! How much is it... For information?" Lau talks as if he understands something for once.

" I don't care about the Queen's money. All I need is one little joke and I'll tell you anything you want to know!" Undertaker says frantically, drooling.

"I'll take care of this. I was also known of the white shanghai tiger known to make people die out of laughter... The bed fled." Lau went on, but silence surrounded the place.

"I guess I have no choice but I was known as the Queen of Gossips, and I'm letting you in on top secret. Well, *beep* had *beep* with *beep* and his *beep* was really *beep* and *beep*" We stopped Madam Red from talking because it was getting more and more censored.

"Well then, I guess you're the only one, left milady. You won last time but I'm not gonna let you this time."

"Very well, please step outside everyone. And whatever happens, do not attempt to listen to this." Sebastian opens the door for us.

We wait outside. I know that Sebastian will be able to make him laugh, but why does he want us to wait outside?

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Undertaker laughed, until the sign board on top of the funeral house.

"You may come in now." Sebastian opens the door for us.

"Well, I've checked every single corpse, but there's always a little missing." Undertaker rubs his hands coldly.

"What would that be?" Lau asks.

"Something really precious to the woman. Her uterus."

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