Chapter Six: Charades

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Gray thought a moment, wondering how she figured it out. He couldn't even ask how. He decided to go with a different approach. "Does it have something to do with what happened before we woke up?" She nodded again, happy that he was asking that, it could help a lot.

He frowned. "Thing is, I don't remember what happened, I just saw a bright light and then woke up here." She pointed at him nodding. He raised a brow. "What? Did I say something useful?" She nodded again. He thought back to what he had said. Then it hit him.

"The light? It has something to do with this?" She nodded again, happy that he was getting it, at least a little bit. However, Gray was just becoming more confused. Nothing new he noted.

Noticing his confusion she again made his ice make hand sign. He raised a brow. "Ice make magic?" She shook her hand in a way that said 'keep trying'. He thought again. "Magic in general?" She nodded happily.

"So you're saying that the light was caused by magic? Like a spell?" She pointed and nodded again. At this rate he should be able to understand that this was a spell. She hoped.

Gray thought a moment. So if the light was caused by a spell, than that meant...That's when it hit him. "Are you saying that we're in a spell caused by that light?!" She nodded, though surprised that he didn't remember the spell after figuring it out.

He had to think this over for a moment. So they were in a spell. It must have been a pretty powerful one to put them in an alternate world. He glanced over and saw that Juvia was looking at him expectantly. Must be waiting for another question. "Wait...Do you know how to get out?" She looked uncertain, but nodded.

Juvia knew that if they finished the fairy tale, then they would go back home, as the spell said. But she was worried. He still had no idea that they were in a fairy tale, and that could be their downfall. She knew that he didn't have any romantic feelings for her. She also knew she only had three days to break the spell, literally. She feared what would happen if they weren't able to break it...The very thought made her blood run cold. She didn't know what she was going to do. She has been trying to get Gray to fall for her for more than a year and nothing has happened yet. How was she going to do it in three days?

Gray gave a worried look. She had turned very pale. Was it that bad? What did they have to do? "Okay, so in order to break this stupid spell, we have to do something inside of this world?" She nodded and put up three fingers. He raised a brow. "Three?" She nodded again. He frowned. Three what?

She thought a moment before pointing up at the clock hanging on the wall. His raised brow looked down in thought. "Time? Three minutes?" She nodded at 'time' but waved her hand in a way that said to keep trying. "Hours?" She continued to wave. "Days?" She nodded, happy that he got it.

Wow, they really were playing charades...

"We have three days to break the spell?" She nodded again. He was very confused. How would she know that? "So you know what we have to do in three days?" She nodded, though it had lost a lot of confidence. He became worried by the way she looked uncertain. "You...don't think we can do it?"

He was surprised when she looked up at him with such a sad, and somewhat broken, smile. What did that mean? It was almost like she wasn't sure. Like she was losing hope. What could he ask to help her gain confidence again? If he could only understand what they had to do, then maybe he could help her not make such a face.

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair again. "What do we have to do..?" Juvia tried to think of something to get him to guess. But how would one mime 'you have to fall in love with me'? She decided to just go with one word at a time. So she pointed at him.

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