Chapter Thirteen: Illusions

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Juvia woke up from the most amazing dream she had ever had. She didn't even care if it was a dream because of how wonderful it was. Her love had finally looked at her with understanding and love. It was so real that her heart was melting all over again just thinking about it.

Sitting up in her bed, she tried to remember the events from the day before. She blinked as she looked around the lavish bedroom and realized that all she could remember was what had happened in her 'dream'.

She rubbed her eyes. It couldn't have been real, could it..?

She laid back down, hugging her pillow tightly, glad that she didn't have the capability to giggle obnoxiously.

It all really happened. Everything that she thought would only happen in her dreams, had happened in this unfamiliar world.

Sure, her voice was gone, her gut still felt like it had a dagger in it, and her feet still felt like she had stepped in a pile of needles, but she found that it had been worth every second of pain just to see the face she had seen on her beloved.

Juvia could see it so clear in her mind that she was starting to have hope again in the possibility that he could love her in return.

A frown appeared at the thought that maybe it was the spell's doing, but if that were so, wouldn't he act different too? Yes, he has been more open with her, but maybe that was because she couldn't be open with him. Not because the spell was changing him.

She smiled, remembering their boat ride. No, he was still her beloved, caring, understanding, Gray-sama. The man she fell in love with, and gave her heart to.

She blinked, remembering that she had thoughtlessly fell asleep on him inside of the boat. How did she make it back here? Her face melted into a dreamy grin as her inner fan-girl took hold of her mind for a moment. Had he carried her there? Was it a piggy back ride? Or even... Her mind exploded, her face turning the color of Lava. D-Did Gray-sama carry Juvia B-Bridal Style!?

After a few minutes of inwardly squealing inside her fantasies, reality had finally caught up with her, causing her smile to falter. She took a deep breath. This spell has her mind in constant thought. Today was the last day, her last chance to show her Gray-sama how much she loved him, without using her words, and just reminding herself to act normal.

And not act like her life depended on his decision...

That was another thought. Even as two days have passed, she doesn't know how this version of the story will end. She has a feeling that if he rejects her, she'll end up turning into foam, as that is the most common outcome from failure from all of the other versions. But, if he accepts her, how will they have to meet that requirement? Was it true love's kiss? Does he have to say the words, and mean them? Or is it even something as extreme as marriage?

She hadn't the slightest idea. And her options worried her.

Suddenly, the double doors burst open to reveal the two maids that had been accompanying her since she had arrived. Juvia sat up at the loud thud in alarm, ignoring how that made her gut feel, and blinked at their excited giggling. They jumped on her bed with her and she gave them a questioning look.

The Cana look-alike took her hands and started shaking them in excitement. "Oh! I'm just so gosh darn proud of you! You and the Prince! It's all just so perfect!"

She squealed and Juvia turned to the orange-haired Lucy, hoping for some kind of explanation. She smiled and giggled. "Oh Miss Juvia! We just heard the news and we wanted to be the first to congratulate you!!!"

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