Chapter Eighteen: Together

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Juvia slowly opened her eyes to find an unfamiliar ceiling. She blinked and went to sit up, wincing as a fresh shot of pain coursed through her arm and stomach.

“Don’t even think about getting up.”

The harsh tone made Juvia lay right back down on the bed, making herself wince again. Looking over, she blinked at the sight of Porlyusica. The said woman walked over to her side and replaced her wet cloth right back on her forehead. “It’s about time you woke up.”

Juvia gave her a curious look before glancing around the room and then back at her. “Where...Where is Juvia?”

The pink haired woman rolled her eyes as she mixed some herbs together. “Where do you think? You’re in my house. Unfortunately. Now, drink this.”

Juvia sat up enough to take the medicine, moving the cloth off of her forehead, and wincing as the bitter liquid went down her throat. She wasn’t going to complain however, and set the now empty cup down on the side table. She looked down at herself and noticed that her arm and stomach were bandaged and her feet felt sore. She blinked at the realization that the pains from the story had stayed with her when she came back.

She kept herself from gasping.

They had come back.

They were home.

She blinked away the happy tears as Porlyusica eyed her. “Is there still that much pain?”

Juvia shook her head. “No, Thank you Porlyusica-dono. Juvia hasn’t felt this refreshed in days.” Considering everything that had happened…The soreness she felt now was nothing compared to the fresh pain from within the spell.

The tall woman raised a brow. “I doubt that. You look terrible even after sleeping for a week. Plus, you were only gone for a couple of hours, I heard. Hm. I suppose time must have flowed differently inside of the spell.”

She blinked up at her in surprise. “A-A week..?” And what did she mean by, ‘A few hours’..?

“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”

Juvia went quiet a moment and decided to ask what’s really been on her mind since she woke up, ignoring all of the questions she knew would be pointless to ask the unconcerned  Doctor. “Where is Gray-sama?”

She turned her attention from the window and glanced from Juvia to the door, grumbling. “Standing in front of my house, of all places…”

Juvia watched curiously as she went over and opened the door before Gray could touch it, her tone as harsh as ever. “What?”

Gray blinked at her rough voice, and glanced behind her to see Juvia, who blinked back at him. He put his gaze back on the scariest Doctor alive. “I, um, came to see Juvia…if that’s cool.”

She stared him down a moment before sighing in frustration. “Don’t touch anything, including the patient. She still needs a lot of rest.” She led him inside and he walked past her and over to the bed, sitting down on the small stool next to it. He offered her a smile. “Hey. How ya feelin’?”

She returned the smile, so very happy to see him alright and in good health. “Juvia is alright.”

“Ha! ‘Alright’ my bum.”

Juvia winced at Porlyusica’s tone of unbelief and Gray gave a worried look. “Is she alright?”

“She will be after a lot of rest. However, she just went through Magical Surgery a week ago, finally waking up earlier today. She probably feels like she got hit by a coach.”

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