Chapter 4

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I have to go to school today. It's my junior year. I wish it would just speed up so I can get out of this shit-hole. I don't like my school much.

I'm the smart one and the teachers pet, with all advanced classes. What?!!?! You're probably thinking. Why would that be a BAD thing?
Well I'll tell you. I get teased constantly and I let a lot of people get to me. I don't want to let them, but I've always cared about what others think more than what I myself think. It's not healthy for me. I know.
I have 1 class with Daniel. We have PE together. It's funny how he always tries to show off in that class. He's sweet though. He's a great friend. He runs with me sometimes in PE, when he's not busy bragging about the 5 minute mile he can run.

We hang out so much, that people started to think we were a couple. I got that rumor out of the way very quickly, making sure that everyone knew we were just friends. That took like 3 weeks though. 

I have PE last period, which is nice.


By the end of the day I'm really tired. I take the bus home, and I have to walk like a mile just to go to bed. I might as well burn off those calories I ate at lunch.

When I get home I fall into bed. Just as I was getting comfy, I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and say go away, only to find out it was Daniel. He turned to leave and I stopped him.

"No, it's okay. I thought you were someone else....Do you want to come in?" I ask opening the door wider.
"Sure", he replies walking in. I leave to get a bottle of water from the fridge. I offer him one, but he turned it down.

After talking for about an hour I say,"I'm really tired I'm going to go lay down."  

"Do you want some company?" He responds, sending me into shock. 

"It's really okay if you don't want me to. I can go if you want." 
"No really it's fine. Come on." 
We both walk into my room.

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