10. Birth

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October 4th, 1963

Ruby Allison Greene was born. I held the little baby girl in my hands. I looked into her eyes. They were beautiful. This baby was beautiful.

Donovan had left the room to speak to a doctor. It was just me alone with my newborn baby.

She was beautiful. I was so happy that this was the start of my family. I glanced up at the small black and white television box across the room at the foot of the hospital bed. I hummed a little hum as I rocked the baby in my arms. I looked at her eyes again, and smiled. But then I looked down by the television at back at her eyes again. They were all black.

I was horrified.

What if she's.. Just like me?

Donovan came back in the room and smiled and kissed my forehead. Ruby started to cry so he handed me the bottled formula and I fed Ruby. I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind. No, it's not right. It's all in my head.

Mommy (Prequel to Ruby's Diary)Where stories live. Discover now