Chapter 2: An Eventful Day

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Opinion is really the lowest form of knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.
-Bill Bullard

I wake up 42 minutes before my alarm clock, thanks to the stupid sun. Ugh, I seriously need to get curtains. I, along with the rest of the Martin household, are not morning people. I try to get out of my bed as gracefully as I can, like the people in those mattress commercials, but instead, I end up struggling getting out of the covers that were tangled around my body. Somehow, I end up falling face-first onto the cold hardwood floor. Ouch. I brush myself off and and decide to take a shower. I quickly go over my morning routine and make my way to my closet.

Today is the first day of school. I don't want to stand out so I need to wear something casual. My goal for this year is to keep my head down and blend in with everyone, and of course get good grades. I was a straight-A student back at home so that wouldn't be a problem. I really didn't want to attract any attention to myself. I settle my eyes on a pair light washed jeans and paired it with a loose grey tee. Perfect. I slip on my a black converse, (which I've had for a while now, but they look presentable enough) and make my way to my own bathroom that is attached to my room. I am so glad I finally have my own bathroom, I've had to share a bathroom with my brothers for years, and let me tell you, it was not a pleasant experience. One time I found my brother's boxers hanging on the shower head. How the hell did it even get there?!

Once I'm in the bathroom I put on a bit of mascara on my eyelashes the try to brush the long, dark brown mess on my head. I struggle getting the knots out of my hair and I just couldn't take it anymore. Once I give up on my hair, I decide to just tie it into a high pony tail. I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself some Lucky Charms. Cereal was always my go-to breakfast, I admit it's not very healthy, but damn is it good.

When the rest of the Martin household is finally ready, we all mumble our 'good mornings' to each other and hop into the minivan. Jackson and I absolutely hated the fact that our parents had to drive us to school, but I didn't have a car yet so it was either 'take the minivan with air conditioning' or 'walk to school', and let me tell you, walking was not an option, especially not in this heat.

"What the hell are you wearing, June," Jackson asks as he brings his eyes down to my outfit.

I narrowed my eyes at him and brush off his judgemental question. "I don't wanna stand out, so I decided to dress casual," I reply nonchalantly.

"Dressing casual and dressing like a hobo are two very different things," he snickers.

"You are such an-"

"Amazing person, I know, thanks June."

"Ugh, no, you're so-"

"Extremely good-looking?" He interrupts, yet again, "Tell me something I don't know."

Before I can reply to his arrogant statement, Dad interrupts, "Okay, that's enough you two, we're here!" He pulls into a parking lot filled with extremely expensive looking cars. Is that a gold Ferrari?! My jaw drops at the sight. I see a couple of kids pointing and laughing at our hideous minivan, and suddenly, I wish I'd walked to school. I slump down in my seat, hoping the students wouldn't see me, and Jackson does the same.

Jackson and I quickly get out of the minivan as discreetly as possible, not wanting to attract those pointing fingers to us. We manage to make our way to the front doors of the school, avoiding the rude comments about our minivan.

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