Chapter 7: Making Amends

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"Forgiveness is a choice.  We may not be able to choose to wipe away the hurt that someone has caused, but we can choose to cast off the bitterness, anger, and feelings of the need for revenge and justice."
-Elemer Laydon

       It's 10:19 p.m. on a Sunday night. Sunday nights are the worst, don't you agree? The anxiety of Monday always kicks in during this time. Well, this Sunday night is much worse than it usually is. With everything that's been happening, I forgot to study for my Biology exam and now, I'm trying to cram as much information as I can into my brain, but the sound of my parents yelling and arguing is making it quite arduous.

Jackson is still at the hospital and I haven't talked to him, or anyone for that matter, since Saturday. I've been in my room the whole weekend, except to eat and go to church, of course. Sad, I know. But I was getting real tired of my parents' voices. The whole weekend, I had to listen to them yelling at each other. You'd think that what happened to Jackson would make them realize how important and sacred time and family are; that at any moment everything could change; one minute they're here, and the next, they're gone. But what happened to Jackson seemed to make them even angrier at each other.

       "Sporophyte: a diploid organism that produces haploid spo-" I repeat the definition, but my voice is cut off by my Mom's voice.

       "Ugh," I grunt while stuffing my face into a pillow.  I shut my books and finally decide that I'm done with studying.  I throw my textbooks off my bed and onto the hardwood floor.  They're the only books I don't mind throwing around.

I go through my night routine and put on my bubblegum pink pajamas, which I've had since I was 12. It's a surprise they still fit me.  I walk across the hallway, to Nathan's room. I twist the doorknob and open the door as slowly and as quietly as I can. I peak through the small crack and hear a quiet snore coming from Nathan, which surprises me a little because my parents' voices are extremely loud. This kid could probably sleep through a nuclear bomb explosion.

I close the door and start towards my bedroom. I walk in and close the door behind me then check my phone for any notifications, and to my surprise, I find 13 text messages and 6 missed calls, all from one person: Noah Scott. I find myself smiling at his name on my phone screen. I don't usually get very many text messages, let alone any phone calls.

I check the texts and my smile immediately grows bigger.

Hey Junebug ;) received 1 hour ago

Hello?? received 51 minutes ago

Are you there? Are you okay? received 40 minutes ago

How are you doing? received 40 minutes ago

Have you talked to Lizzie yet? received 38 minutes ago

Answer already jeeeeeeeeez! received 20 minutes ago

Are you ignoring me? received 13 minutes ago

Ouch, that hurts right in the heart :'( received 13 minutes ago

Hah, just kidding received 13 minutes ago

For real though, are you okay? Are you dead?! Oh crap. received 11 minutes ago

I've called you SIX TIMES received 9 minutes ago

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