Chapter 5: Junebug

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It seems to me, that love could be labeled 'poison'
and we'd drink it anyway.

       Lizzie and Noah.  So that's why Jen nurtured such distaste towards Noah, "What did he do?" I ask.

       Jen sighs, "It was just before Noah left for military school. He and Lizzie got together one night, Lizzie totally fell for his whole act and actually ended up liking him and she lost her 'V card' to him. But three days later, Noah moved onto his next prey. Lizzie cried for weeks and I don't think she's ever actually gotten over it."

"Oh my gosh, poor Lizzie," I say in a sympathetic voice. The way Jen talked about Noah with so much hatred, made me dislike him, somewhat. That kind of thing is hard to forgive, hard to forget.

Jen and I get to our usual table at the bottom of the cafeteria and, like usual, Lizzie's already sitting at the table and she does not look too pleased.

"He-hey Liz," I stutter.

"I hate him! I hate him so much, even more than I hate Adrianne. Ugh, why'd he have to come back?" She grunts while she violently stabs her salad with her fork.

"I know you do, but-"

       "Wait, how do you know?" Lizzie interjects, "Did you tell her, Jen?"  Jen slowly nods her head in return, probably hoping Lizzie doesn't jump her.  Lizzie doesn't, instead she hangs her head in shame, "I can't believe I actually believed him when he said he cared about me. . . I should've known better," she croaks.

       Jen and I hold Lizzie's hands, trying to comfort her but it doesn't help much. Tears weld up in her eyes.  Oh gosh, there is no way I can be acquainted with someone who broke Lizzie's heart.  Seeing as how Lizzie's about to cry, I can tell that Noah actually meant something to her.

       "You know what?  He's an idiot for not seeing how amazing you are!" I say trying to get Lizzie happy again.  Well, as happy as she usually is.

       "Yeah, girl, it's his loss.  He doesn't know what he's missing out on, I mean look at you!" Jen exclaims.  It's true, Lizzie was absolutely flawless.  From her hazel green eyes that contrasted with her dark, radiant skin, to her long, curly hair; she was down-right gorgeous.

       Lizzie musters up a smile and mumbles a thanks to both Jen and I.  But soon her smile disappears and she glares at something behind me.  I turn around to see Fransisco, Asher, and Noah striding confidently towards us.  Oh no, this cannot be good.

      As they walk past, the throngs of people hustle out of the way and clear a path for them.  The whole cafeteria goes silent, a few students whispering amongst one another. All eyes are on them. When they arrive at our table and sit down beside us, a loud gasp escapes everyone's mouths, even mine.

      "Hey, Junebug," Noah says with a bright smile, as he takes a seat next to me.

       I was so tempted to smile back but I look over at Lizzie and see the anger in her eyes. She gives me a confused look.

       "Uh. . . what are you guys doing here, sitting with us? Shouldn't you guys be on the top level?" I ask, feeling guilty for not saying 'hello' back to Noah.

       "Well, Noah here, wanted to sit with you, Junebug," Asher mocks as he devours his sandwich and Noah gives him a punch on the arm. "Ow! What the-"

       "Anyway, who are your two friends?" Noah interrupts pointing at Jennifer and Elizabeth with one hand, while taking some of my fries with the other. From the corner of my eye, I see Lizzie clench her fists.

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