Chapter 9: Superman

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       So here I am at my first high school party ever, and might I say, I would've much rather stayed at home doing the solemn things that I actually enjoy doing.  I could've been reading, I could've even gone surfing.

       I'm sitting alone on the kitchen counter staring at my fingernails, wishing I was anywhere but here. I've been in the kitchen for the past hour, eating a bag of pretzels I found in a cupboard somewhere.  While everyone else is getting drunk on booze, I am getting drunk on the salty heaven called pretzels. 

       It's 11:30 PM now, but to these teenagers, the night is still young.  The music is still booming and the people are just as energetic as they were when they got here- maybe even more.  The past two hours, I've just been studying the people in the party, taking in the whole scene.

       The living room has empty bottles and cans and red cups littered all over the hardwood floors. There are puddles of God-knows-what on the floor, waiting for someone to slip on them. I was almost a victim.  There are couples here and there, struggling to find an unoccupied space to make out in, and those who have already found a spot, seemed as if nothing else mattered in the world but the person who they were kissing.  I laugh and roll my eyes, knowing that their 'love' for each other will only last the night- or until the alcohol is out of their body.

       When we got here I conversed with Noah for a while about what goes on at an actual party, but he seemed to have wandered off somewhere with Fransisco and Asher.  So much for not letting me out of his sight.

       When Noah left me on my own, to fend off the sloppy and hormonal teenagers on my own, I tried talking to other people, which bored me half to death. Half the people I talked to were drunk and I couldn't understand half the things they were saying, and the other half didn't seem too interested in dicussing controversial issues with me. One thing though, I've gotten a few compliments, second glances, and a couple of low whistles out of some people. It's funny, because most of the compliments came out mouths of the people that would trip me in the hallways and mock me. It was as if they didn't even recognize me. I'm not sure of it was because of all the intoxicating alcohol or the fact that I was wearing a skirt that was rather short.

       Man, teenage minds are so messed up.  Their premature minds are just like the beer bottles and cans laying on the floor; empty and useless.

       Soon, the house is packed and there is no room left for doing much of anything, not even a simple dance move like the chicken dance, which is a bummer because that is the only dance move I was capable of doing. So, I relocated myself into the kitchen.

       Now here I am, observing people. How fun. I have to admit though, I'm mostly just waiting for Lucas to show up and walk through the kitchen door.

       Jen and Lizzie are out on the dance floor, which is congested with revelers, and Noah is nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, here I am eating my pretzels and enjoying my solemnity.

       I see a tall figure walk through the kitchen door and I sit up straight in the hopes for that person to be Lucas.  He's one of the main reasons I came here.  I knew that a party- or any social event for that matter- wasn't a place for me, but when I heard he was coming, it gave me the will to go.  The ice cream I'm going to get from Jen is just a bonus.

       I'm disappointed when I see just another tipsy, drunk guy and I groan in frustration.  The guy looked much older though- 20 years old, maybe.  I'm guessing this isn't just a highschool party.

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