Chapter 12: Prince Charming

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"I think it's beautiful,
the way your eyes sparkle
when you talk about the
things you love."

          The past week and a half went by quickly and no one has asked me to go to the Winter Masquerade Ball with them.  The Ball is tonight and I'm esctatic to attend.  I've been so busy helping Jen set up the whole dance the past week that I hadn't even thought about a date to the Masquerade Ball, but going with Noah would be just as much fun as going with an actual date.

     "A little to the left!" Jen yells.  I adjust the silver streamer, just as Jen had instructed me to.  "Further!"  I edge closer to the end of the ladder step and reach further to the left.  "Further!"

     "Jen, if I go any further, I'm gonna end up falling on the floor!" I shout, looking down towards the silver glittered floor.  I don't even know how Jen got me into doing this.  My fear of heights is almost as bad as Frankenstein Monster's fear of fire.

     "Okay, fine.  That's good there," she sighs. 

     "Hey, Jen, where do you want us to put the reindeer?" Noah and Asher ask.

     "You guys have asked me that same question three times!  Have you guys gone deaf?  You know what?  I'll do it myself," Jen groans in frustration, grabbing the the white-painted reindeer from their grasps.

"Sheesh, what's up with her?" Asher says.

"I think she may be stressing out about this dance way too much," I say, stepping down the tall ladder.

"Careful, June," Noah warns, observing every step I take. "Knowing you, you'll probably fall and faceplant on the floor," he laughs.

"I'm not that clumsy--" and just as I'm about to finish my sentence I step on my shoelace and lose balance completely. I try to grab onto the ladder, but my hand misses by an inch. I get this sickening feeling in my stomach, and for a moment, I think I'm gonna die even though I'm only 4 feet from the floor.

A pair of strong arms catch my fall just on time.

"Jeez June, you might want to be more careful next time," I hear Fransisco say with a small chuckle while his arms are holding me.

I open my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. He lets me down on my feet, but doesn't let go of my waist. I stare at him for a second and I notice just how kind his brown eyes look. He is quite good looking, I have to admit, and his sun kissed face is nearly perfect. He has faint freckles on his nose and on his cheeks, you'd never be able to see them unless you look really carefully.

"What are you guys doing just standing there?" Lizzie hisses, causing me to pull away from Fransisco. "Jen's coming and she'll kill us if she sees us not working! Get moving."

"Yes ma'am," Asher salutes, dragging Noah who is glaring at Fransisco.

I start to follow Lizzie, but Fransisco's voice stops me.

"Wait up, June," he calls out, "Are you going to the Ball?" He asks.

"Uh, I don't know," I say. I know where he is going with this conversation, I just don't know how to respond. I don't have these kinds of conversations often.

"Well, I'd love for you to allow me to be your date to the Ball. So. . ." he drawls on, "Will you go to the Masquerade Ball with me?" He asks politely.

"It's a little late to be asking someone to the Ball, don't you think?" I grin. The Ball is in nine hours. I thought I was going to end up going with Noah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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