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After Legacy Day,its a Thronecoming Queen.Thronecoming Queen is the second important event. Every students at Ever After High will be choosen to be a thronecoming queen. This year thronecoming queen nominee is Raven Queen,Apple White,Blondie Locks,and C.A.Cupid. Because the Legacy Day isn't finished,it"ll continued in Thronecoming Queen show. The nominees is really excited about it."You will sign the book,are'nt you?"said Apple."Yes"said Raven."You're gonna be okayRaven,trust me"said Apple. The night has come. Apple was sleeping,but Raven,she's still thingking about tomorrow,are she gonna sign it or not,well,she have to do it. If she's not sign the book,maybe the Royals and The Rebels will be hated.

"Raven...Raven...wake up"said Apple. Then,Raven wakes up and she's forgot today is the Thronecoming Queen."Wooww...I love your dress Apple,uuhhh...where is my dress?"said Raven.Apple showed Raven dress." my dress?"said Raven."of course,you should wear it,but first I need to styling your hair....umm...maybe not me,i will call Holly O'Hair"said Apple. Apple called Holly O'Hair in her phone."Wooww...your hair looks very evil..haha..just kidding,i mean its great on you Raven"said Apple."thank Apple,and thanks to you Holly"said Raven. Holly go back to her room. Raven looks so nervous.
    The show its about to begin. All the nominies has ready too. "Now,let the Thronecoming Queen vote begin"said Mellody Piper. All the students was very crowded and already to vote the nominies. "But first, let the sign the storybook of legend begin, Raven Queen, you're next"said Mellody Piper. Raven Queen go up to the stage and already pledge her destiny. And finnaly she already sign the book."I've done sign it"said Raven. All student was crowdly happy, even Apple. "Well done Raven, im happy you sign the book"said Apple happy. "Yeaahh..., well, i still afraid one thing Apple"said Raven worried."what is it?"said Apple. "Are you gonna bring me to the dungeon?"said Raven worried."well... i think its not, we're friends, i would not take my friend to the dungeon"said Apple."thanks Apple, you're my best friend ever after"said Raven happy.
     "Well...everybody, the voting has closed now. And the winner is...."said Mellody. The nominies really scared."the winner is...... RAVEN QUEEN"said Mellody."Woooww... really...,i... im gonna be the next Thronecoming Queen?"said Raven surprised."Congrats Raven"said Apple."Thanks Apple"said Raven. Then their hugging really happy.

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