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   Let's flashback to the Legacy Day. The day when Raven didn't sign the storybook of legends, The Rebels looks very happy. Even Maddie was really happy. The Rebels think that Raven shouldn't sign the book. Because, the Rebels didn't want Raven in trouble. After the Legacy Day, Rebels hate the Royals. Because Royals always do what they want. Actually The Rebels love what Raven do. The Rebels didn't have to follow their destiny.
     Well then,The Rebels is actually bad, but it doesn't mean "They're" bad. The Rebels is a good person too. Maybe the Royals think the Rebels always do anything evil. Even the Royals can do anything bad too. For the example is Duchess Swan. Duchess is Royal, but she is a bad person. She always messed up every student. Well, isn't she a bad Royal? She is  actually Rebels, but she doesn't want to be a Rebel person. Because she is the true Royal, but her heart is Rebel. I think the true Rebel is Kitty Chessire. She have a Rebel heart. She's just like her mother, always teasing everyone, and makes every student mad.
    What about Raven? Do you think Raven is evil? Well, i think she's not. She's a Rebel, but her heart is Royal. She don't want to be the true evil queen actually. But what she can do? She's always makes everything messed up to, even make evryone freezed up because of Raven evil spell. There is so much Rebels students that more evil, but Raven is still the most evil person in Ever After High.

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