2. Catching Up

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Chapter Two


"Babe, you ready to?" Romano exits his bedroom straightening his burgundy pattered cardigan over his denim button down. I glance at him. 

"I take it like you the new threads?" Looking over his jeans, gold belt buckle and his brown ombre oxfords.   

"Yeah," He grins looking over the outfit in the mirror. "So, you ready?"   

"Yeah," I say reaching for my other earring as I use my free hand to scroll through my inbox. "Louis sent me an email about some final color pallets that need to be in today."  

"Come on babe this is supposed to be OUR time," He chuckles, "I want you all to myself for once." he plants a kiss on my cheek.   

"I know, I know I'm sorry. I'm almost done." I look over the colors quickly going with my instincts. "Ok, done!"

"Yes!" Romano exclaims. Just then another email pops up on my screen. I move to click on it.

"No, let's go you said that you only had to check one email."

"I know but this one is from my high school,  there's a reunion coming up."

"Cool," he glances at his watch. "Where's it going to be?"

"Back in Hawaii," I scroll down further, its next weekend...and wow..."

"What's up?"

"Flight and hotel are included upon reply to this email. Catering has also been provided..I wonder if he'll be there?"

"Who?" Romano questions looking at me as I scroll through the email. 

"My bestfriend Peter. We've been friends since the first grade but I haven't seen or talked to him in years." 

"He may be, let's go and find out." 

"Yeah, he's the one providing everything." 

"Wow, big money."

"Yeah, he's also known as Bruno Mars."


Romano's hand and mine are clasped to mine we enter the gym; music plays. Fresh Plumeria leis are draped around our necks their, light scent setting the mood; the effervescent salty breeze blows off the ocean just outside the set of double doors on the other side of the room. Running my hand along the delicate blossoms expresses their authenticity; their silky texture suggests they couldn't have been picked more than a day ago. Flowers decorate the room. Steamers, similar to the ones that hung the night of senior prom hang from the ceilings in all colors; creamy whites, soft yellow and bright pinks. At the center hanging from the ceiling a banner displays "Welcome Class of 2003". Walking further I recognize a few faces, people milling around, drinks in hand as they socialize. Romano smiles looking around. 

"So this is where you went to high school," he says. 

"Yeah," I smile looking out at the ocean rocking back and forth the moon's likeness reflecting on the calm waves. "This is it. Coincidentally the way the gym looks now is very similar to how it look on prom night." He smiles as we near the refreshment table. I turn and look at the stage where the entertainment is setting up the last of the pieces of the drum kit, three mics stand in front of all the equipment, speakers near by with guitars and a keyboard towards the back. 

As I nod to the music more people enter, filling the room almost to its capacity. Suddenly the room erupts in applause. Romano and I direct our attention to the door with the crowd. As the people spread I catch a glimpse of a familiar face. One of the performers on the stage grabs a mic. 

"He's here! Welcome Bruno Mars!" A smile shoots across my face. The crowd thins out quickly as Bruno and his date walk further into the room. He wears his a familiar smile ,a black Hawaiian shirt with red, white and green flower accents, dark pants, crimson Sperry's, a beige fedora adorned with a black accent band and black Raybans. Around his neck is his gold crucifix, on his thick fingers gold rings and his left ear is pierced with a gold cross. The woman on his arm wears a black sleeveless crop top, a high-waisted floral skirt, black peep toe heels and gold jewelry. He greets everyone he can, spreading handshakes and high fives around. He stops short, his eyes widening. 

"Is that?" A smile tugs at the left corner of his mouth.  Laylani? Laylani Rosario!"


"Rosi!" He exclaims. He picks up his pace, bringing the woman with him. "I hoped you'd be here but I can't believe it!"

"I can't believe you paid for all of this! When I got the email I was excited but when when I saw your stage name at the bottom I was like "this is crazy!" He gently breaks contact with his date as he advances coming towards me. I let go of Romano's hand and give Bruno a hug followed by a force of habit 'kiss-cheek-touch greeting'. As we step apart he speaks again.

"I just thought it would be nice to help everyone out. You look different but...good different." He smiles looking over my dress. "Did you make that one too? " he teases.

"Yeah actually." I smirk.  "You don't look too bad yourself."

"This is Jessica." I greet her and introduce Romano. He and Bruno exchange handshakes. We spend the early portion of the night talking; conversing about work, accomplishments and current projects dashed with a bit of nostalgia.


Stepping down from the DJ booth, I return the dance floor and meet Romano.  "What was that?" He asks.

"I requested a song." I step close resting my left hand at the back of his neck my hand brushing the hair at the nape. My hand find his, our palms meeting with our fingers interlocking.  I whisper in his ear and he smiles. The music starts slow, the count coming a few seconds in. He mirrors my movements, keeping my speed as we inch closer. He positions his right hand on my lower back, taking mine with his left. I place my face against his and put my left hand back where it was. Our rhythm slows as I wine; we travel across the floor as I allow Romano to guide me gently pressing his fingertips to my lower back; is leg between mine keeps us in sync. Drawing a circle on my back, I body roll against Romano slowly then quickly as we change directions. A smile skates across his face, causing one on mine. We share a kiss, then his hand leaves my waist. He rotates his opposite wrist, turning me backward then forward before he whisks me close, back into position.

B P.O.V.

Holding Jess close our hips move in unison, in time with the music. As I change our direction my eyes fall on Laylani and Romano, their movements so in sync they appear rehearsed as they travel effortlessly across the floor. He seems to guide her as they travel, so close their faces are touching. Laylani's waist pulls my attention, rotating so naturally, she does't seem to be trying at all. As the song ends I convince Jessica to walk to over to them. 

"Where's you guys learn that?" 

Laylani turns to me as she lets go of Romano. His hand still on her waist. 

"We take Kizomba classes. It's similar to bachata."

"Nice." her bright green eyes light up momentarily. I look at Jessica. "We should learn that."

"I'm all for it," she smirks. "Looks like it could be fun."

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