4. Eighteen Hours Ago

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Chapter 4

And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago is green eyes and freckles in your smile in the back of my mind making me feel right...

Bruno's POV

I step foot in to the studio, coffee in hand headphones on. Phred is sitting at the keyboard with headphones on messing around, Phil sits on the couch looking at phone and Ari in one of the booths with headphones as well banging way. Phil looks up at me.  

"And the he makes his appearance!" Phil stands and greets me with a handshake. He returns to his seat and I sit next to him. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I retrieve it after taking a sip and setting my coffee down, a new text blinking on my screen.   

"So Carlitos Gardel @ 8:00 tomorrow?" Laylani texts. I smile and send my reply.   

"Yup, 8:00 I'm looking forward to seeing if I approve of this Romano guy." I catch Phil looking at me as I put my phone back in my pocket again.  

"Who was that?"   

"Laylani," I say shifting in my seat. "Setting up dinner plans."  

"So when am I going to meet this girl, this best friend of your's?"  

"When she has time off, she says she'll  stop by."  

"I have to meet her, you guys seem close. " he smiles a genuine broad smile." My phone vibrates again.  

"Yeah,"I chuckle to my self as I pass my fingertips over my chin. "You know, I don't think I would be were I am today with out her."  

"Oh?" Phil adds waiting for my explanation. 

"Remember I told you I was signed when I was eighteen and the label dropped me?" Phil nods. "They said that I sounded and moved too much like Michael Jackson, that I wasn't original. I got discouraged and upset because they didn't give me a chance but she refused let me quit. Laylani said that I had too much talent to just let it go to waste that I had the love for it and if I didn't keep trying I would beat myself up about it if I didn't keep trying. She basically called me a punk for giving up easily." I sit up and reach for my coffee. "Needless to say, she's always been there for me and I accredit some of this fame to her." I sip my coffee and set it down again. I fish my phone out of my pocket, another text binking on my screen.  

"Oh please, I have to really talk to this Jessica girl to make sure she's in for the long haul. lol" Laylani texts.  

"We'll just see about that Rosi. Btw I saw those designs you were talking about, they're really good Rosi. Good gob." I answer  only noticing the misspelling after the message sends.  

"Besides, you'd like her; you remind me of her sometimes." I say to Phil smirking.  

"Oh yeah? Then I definitely have to meet her and soon," He answers. "Well lets get in there." Phil says getting up from the couch. He walks over to his mic and seat. "Let's warm up."  

"Alright." I take another sip of coffee and clear my throat before I following him over to my stool. I get another text.  

"Gob? Lol What does that mean? I've never heard that word before."  

"Shut up, it was a typo. Lol grammar nazi. Aight, talk to you later I'm working."  

"Aight same here lol later." She answers. I put my phone in the coffee table and walk over to my mic and stool. I direct my attention to Phred sitting at one of the keyboards. "It's your pick today man,"   "Ok ummm," he stares at the keys draping his hands over them. He starts a with a middle c chord, climbing in octaves until he finds the desired note.  

"Alright, alright, alright, here we go, here we go." I snap in time. I rock from side to side until the first verse starts the familiar beat coursing through my veins. Singing, my voice rings strong as Phil backs me up taking the reins as the second verse comes. With the conflicting lines he makes all kinds of faces keeping the beat with this foot. Phred joins in with other harmonizing notes as the song comes to a close. He hits the final chord.


"How was recording?" Jessica asks as she lets me in and walks back to her kitchen. The scent of a meal on the stove, decorated with spices wafts into the hallway, literally leading me to the kitchen. Jessica stands in front of the stove her dark hair pulled back in to a long ponytail of cascading black waves. She is wearing a black tank top, riding its way up her stomach grey sweatpants that sit low slung on her hips.   

"Great," I reply, tossing my jacket on her couch along withe my phone and keys. "We just jammed today and threw ideas around." I say sliding my hands onto her hips along her bare skin. I inhale deeply, sticking my head out over the pot of rice. "Smells good." I slowly and inconspicuously move on hand to the silverware drawer, take a spoon and move my hand towards the pot. Jessica slaps my hand, the spoon falls.  

"Not yet," She says, her index finger wagging in my face playfully. She puts the spoon I had aside.  

"But Jess," I whine. "I'm hungry!" She steps backward shoving her butt into my groin. She picks up the pot walking it over to the island at the center of the kitchen. I follow closely behind sticking out my lower lip. She turns back to me.  

"Don't touch it." She turns to her dish cabinet retrieving two plates. She serves the rice over two plates followed by the stewed chicken and steamed vegetables. Lastly she spoons the chicken gravy over the rice. My stomach growls loudly. Jess laughs and plants a kiss on my right temple as she sets two glasses of water with ice in front of our plates. She sits beside me. She closes her eyes and I close mine. "Lord, thank you for this meal," She says.   

"And for the wonderful woman who prepared it," I grin.   

"Amen," She says smiling at me.   

"Amen." I start eating. "Oh hey Jess,"   


"Laylani says that Carlitos Gardel at 8 tomorrow is perfect."   

"Yes! I'll get to wear my new dress!"   

"What new dress?" I ask raising my eyebrow at her.  

"Oh just a little something I bought for myself..." she smirks putting a spoonful of rice in her mouth.   

"Uh huh, you're not going to let me see it until tomorrow huh," I say watching her lifting my chin as I smirk.  

"Nope!" She chimes, teasing me.   

"Then it's settled, we have a double date tomorrow!" 


Author's Note

Hey Hooli's Jazarah here, sorry this chapter is late, I just didn't get around to finishing it with all of its edits like I planned to originally. Either way here it is! I promise chapter 5 will be on time (half is already done) this week so there's that to look forward to for next Wednesday :) 

Playlist on the other hand, I'll try to post the first cover on Friday. I'm hoping to finish the first song as soon as I can. Please let me know what you think when I post and please suggest songs as well :)

Preeciatee chuuuu :)


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