6. Making Up For Lost Time

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Chapter 6

And all my walls stand tall painted blue, and I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you.  


"We're stilling meeting for coffee right?" Bruno text's me. 

"Of course, give me a few minutes." I send back. I set my phone back on my desk in front of me just Esteban-Louis enters the office in his pristine cream pants and vest ensemble with a grey three quarter sleeve shirt and a pair of light brown loafers. He clutches a cup of coffee in one hand with his tablet the other. I sketch out the final pattern and set it along side it's corresponding drawing before I breathe a sigh of relief.

"You better be done because Meredith wants those prototypes made yesterday." Esteban sets his coffee down on his small desk before directing his attention to his tablet screen. "She also wanted me to tell you that all your models are approved."

"Perfect, thank you Este," I say without looking at him as I gather the papers thrown sparsely over my desk. 

"You late for something? Lunch with Rome?" He says cheekily. He sits down at his desk to the right of me taking a sip of his coffee. 

"No, mister I'm always in Laylani's business, I'm meeting Bruno for coffee."

Este chuckles. "Right, you're superstar bestfriend," he smirks. "How is he anyway?"

"He's good. It's been alot of fun catching up with him. He's just the way I remember." 

"Nice. So, no afternoon coffee run then?"

"Nope, I'm good thank you though." I set the papers I collected in the rack at the front of my desk. "There's one thing you can do for me though," 

"Sure," Este says opening the keyboard attached to his tablet, his hands poised to type.

"Get these patterns to Sew Room 2 so they can get started on the prototypes, then, call all the agents for the models and tell them that they got they job. Make sure you set up fitting times and check on the backgrounds we need for the test shoots." his hands move at lightening speed. 

"Is that all?" 

"Oh! One more thing, remember that dress pattern I've been working on?"


"Could you use the left over polyester, rayon and spandex blend we have in Sew Room 1, my measurements and my common cocktail dress length to make it? I've been meaning to work on that dress but with all this stuff for the line, I--" 

"Don't worry about it, I'll get it done for you." He flashes a sweet smile. "You know I'll do anything for you, you're so good to me." He says. I grab my purse and drop my phone into it. I walk around my desk and give it a quick look over. 

"I know Este, I know. I wouldn't be able to get anything done without you. You're the what?"

"Needle to your sewing machine!"

"Right you are Este, right you are. See you after lunch!"


"Bru, you been working out?"

"Umm, yeah, a little bit," he smiles "I know you have,"

"Yup, on that Zumba flow," I add. "This core is toned!" I chuckle to myself.

"Oh is it? Mine too." He smirks. We take our seats at a small table near one of the windows; our mugs sit on the table, steam rising off their surfaces. I bring my mug to my lips and take a quick sip; as I swallow my eyes close.

Everything Has ChangedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora