11. Her Break Down

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Chapter 11

All I know is a simple name, everything has changed.

B P.O.V.

I want to believe Phil and what he said to me at the diner that day but, it's been months and still haven't heard from Rosi. This "happy front" that I've had to keep up is getting really old. I miss her...the Rosi I knew. I pour hot water into my mug and put several spoonfuls of coco mix in my mug followed by a sprinkle of cinnamon and some marshmallows; the way I used to take it when I was a kid. I stir until the powder is completely dissolved and some of the heat has escaped.  

The Rosi that was always there for me when I needed her or just to talk to; she is an irreplaceable person in my life and honestly life has lost its flavor without her. I know what I did and I know that it was wrong and morally she shouldn't want to talk to me but our friendship is not a statistic or a generality, its US. Everything we know about each other, everything we've been through she can't...she wouldn't just cut me out of her life like this...would she? 

"And it is the first time in years that, Los Angeles has gotten snow," the news caster starts bring up the weather pattern charts. "It's not going to be a heavy snow, just a couple inches worth of a powdery dusting but it is still very cold, much lower than the usual temperature even at this time of year."

I sight deeply as I lean back. Am I giving her enough space and time? Or am I just letting this relationship that ai can't picture my life without just lip through my fingers?

I blow the steam off my hot chocolate as I take a seat on my couch, a chill running up my spine. "I was definitely not made for this weather," I mumble under my breath as I pull my hoodie on over my wife beater. Reaching for my hot chocolate I hear a noise. Listening closer, I turn the volume on the TV down. There's a knock at the door. I walk over, pulling it open.

Laylani stands on my front steps, freshly fallen snowflakes nestled in her brown and blonde curls. She shivers looking up at me, tears shimmering in the moonlight, streaking her bright red cheeks.

"He left me," she chokes out, her voice pained. "Romano, he broke up with me." More tears follow, time falling fast. Her teeth chatter, chin shaking as she wraps her arms around herself. Worry fills me. I resist the urge to pull her inside.

"Laylani, how long have you been out here?"

"A w-w-while," she manages to say, "Mabye I shouldn't have c-come..." she turns to leave.

"No, no Laylani, its ok," I say, "Come in," she looks at me, I open the door wider and she steps inside. Pulling her into my arms, I close my eyes. "Rosi, are you ok?" One look from her tells all, she shakes her head as more tears stream down her face. Her teeth chatter once more as she borrows into my chest. Then her weight is on me, her eyelids fluttering. Suddenly, she goes limp in my arms. "Laylani?" I breathe quickly, eyebrows furrowing. "Rosi?!" 


Just as I'm about to take what seems like me millionth lap around the waiting room a nurse steps to me, clipboard in hand.

"Mr. Hernandez?"

"Bruno," I say, running my hand over my face. "How is she?"

"Ms. Rosario is going to be just fine. She has a slight fever but it's nothing to worry about; she and the baby are going to be just fine."

"Baby...?" I feel my eyes widen. She's...pregnant?! The nurse catches my expression.

"Yes," she says slowly. "She's about eight weeks along." I swallow hard.

Everything Has ChangedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon