Ghost | John Hathorne

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Name: John Hathorne

Age at death: 29

Gender: Male

Status: Good

Appearance: Despite being one of the youngsters in all of the Ghosts, John doesn't necessarily look completely like it. His hair is a dull wood-brown, falling down to his shoulders and lacking any sort of shine to it. A beard of the same colour decorates his chin, small and thin in size although very clearly visible. Thick, bushy eyebrows that are still the same hue of brown as the rest of his hair gives John his look, seeming more mature than his actual age. He hasn't any outstanding figure - his height is average for his times, and despite his build being a bit muscular, it doesn't quite show. At a mere first glance, his irises appear black, yet they're truly as if the darkest brown, deep, soft, and almost hardened chocolate had been melted. When he lived, John wore black and white, topping it with a slightly cone-shaped, tall hat, and a belt on his pants; as a Ghost, he wears the same clothes he had on the day he perished, and still wanting only to look the leader he wishes himself to be.

Personality: John carries the heart and mind of a leader. He had once enjoyed commanding his peers in hunting for The Evil Witch - though some, at times, didn't much appreciate it. Despite the curse that has been cast on him and the eons spent as a ghost, his rather arrogant personality hasn't completely faded away just yet. His tongue has always had a knack for providing shouts at others, but he will admit that he's been humbled to some degree in death. He used to never-endlessly remind his fellow Ghosts, his good friends from his lifetime and in death as they haunted, that it was him who had found The Evil Witch. The habit has almost died away completely, but a question continues to haunt him, just like how he haunts the most recent of generations- was finding The Witch Who Does Not Spare worth it? To be cursed to live on to haunt fellow generations was beyond the pain and terror that his actual death had brought, and John has begun to question all of his past intentions, though perhaps not to the amount as others. This has only begun to lead him towards becoming, perhaps, a better person as well as a leader.

Background: John Hathorne's life was never terribly exciting. It was rather the complete opposite - his life was seemingly dull, like what many shades of grey tend to be, until a certain Mary Warren whispered the quest of the hunt in his ear, forever changing his life. He always had itched for adventure and rights for arrogance, wanting nothing but to leave his family's home in search of something to use his skills for. He was a born leader, but what was the point if he didn't have anyone to lead? With his hopes held high, he agreed as he allied with the five others whom he eventually began calling his friends. Though the tension was great in the early few days, weeks of the searching, John and the others had strong friendships after the first barriers were faded away. At the end of the almost never-ending days, weeks, years of the hunt, it was John who found the Witch. He had been the one to spot her; he had been the one to first engage in combat to capture her. The truth was, he was their unspoken leader, and when the Witch cast the final of their curses on the six of them, he was the one that would lead them through the bumps of the road as Ghosts. As time passed, his makeshift leadership has begun to fade, and while his skills are just as sharp as they once were, he doesn't use them even half as much anymore - what is there to command in a world that exists only with five others?

Currently haunting the newly arrived townspeople as a Ghost, John can only begin to question some of his choices as a leader in his lifetime, despite the fact that he was known to have been quite honored, admired as one of the few who had bravely started the quest of the Hunt.

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