The Town's Final Application

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As your roles have all been decided on, and the rules have been explained, we move on to the next part of the story- your characters. Your form is due at 3:00pm [EST] on Monday, November 21st. You are required to make the form for the character you have been given, and if the role is anything else, it will be denied. Below, is the form template, and we expect it to be completed and handed in. Thank you for joining us for this murderous ride, and we wish all of you the best of luck!

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Name: (pronunciation if necessary)

Role: (as assigned)

Age: (18+)

Sex: (all are accepted here)

Appearance: (please write in complete sentences; simple listings of weight, height, hair color, and such will not be tolerated)

Personality: (describe your character's traits, but please use complete sentences and not lists)

Background: (brief description of how they came to be in the town, their family (that is either somewhere else in another town or dead most likely), lifestyle and anything of the sort)

Other: (anything else you'd like to tell us)

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We welcome the lot of you to Author Games: Town of Salem, and we are excited to get started! Please turn your forms in as soon as possible, so we can kick off these Games with a moonlit start!

Author Games: Town of MayhemWhere stories live. Discover now