The Dawn of Mayhem | Scores

97 16 0


Due to popular demand, we have chosen to post scores throughout these Games until Quarterfinals. Entries were scored out of 12, and please note that one thing we specifically looked into was other characters surrounding your own character, as well as the point of this task which is character interaction (and realism did become key also). We apologize for the delay, but we were deciding a few changes for these Games (including changing the deadline to add an extra 2 hours for every coming deadline due to inconveniences for numerous participants).

Without further delay, we present to you the scores:

Jailor: Ean Adkins - 6.6[-1]= 5.6

Spy: Daniel Bailey - 10.3

Lookout: Teresa Robyn - 8.9

Retributionist: Eustace "Stace" Acton - 10.7

Medium: Agathina Bride - 10.5

Doctor: Easton Adaire - 10.6

Vigilante: Casey Conwell - 8.6

Veteran: Theodore "Ted" Williams - 8.2[-1.5]= 6.7

Godfather: Ariana Naomi Brighton - [eliminated]

Mafioso: Myarria - 0 [eliminated]

Blackmailer: Odessa Kailani - 9.6

Serial Killer: Elizabeth Archer - 0 [dropout]

Witch: Ada Wilson - 9.8

Amnesiac: Victoria Frost - 0 [eliminated]

Arsonist: Elissa "Elsa" Ackley - 10.3

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