Myarria | Mafioso

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Author: amenias-adjacent

Audition Score: 12/50

Name: Myarria ( ME-ARE-EE-UH)

Role: Mafioso

Age: 21

Sex: female

Apperance: She has pink shoulder-length hair with blue highlights. She has blue eyes with brown on the outside. She is thin. She weighs about 120 pounds. She is 5 foot 8. She has slight muscles in her arms. She is pale and has freckles all over her face. She has a big back area and big chest area.

Personality: She is very bubbly. Sometimes, she can get very dark and depressing and even a little crazy. She is funny. She can be very dramatic. She is very athletic and smart. She is wierd and very outgoing.

Background: She was born in a small town in Albany. Her home was a happy one until I was about five. Her parents started fighting. In the beginning it was just small stuff, like taking out the garbage and stuff, you know the usual dumb stuff. Then it started getting worse. They were getting more and more serious. It was about how he was always going out with his "friends" and wouldn't come back until the next day with hickeys. They ended up getting divorced. Now as she got older her mom started to become abusive. At first, after she had hit her she would apologize. Then she became less and less apologetic. She was always drunk and always hitting and kicking Myarria. Once she almost threw her out of a window, but that is a story for another time. She got more and more abusive. When she was 16, Myarria was diagnosed with depression, which she slowly gre out of with the help of her friends and guidance counseler. Myarria finally turned 18 and moved o.ut. She was traumatized by the abuse from her mother, but she still got the guts to tell them police, and her mom got arrested. She moved to the Town of Mayhem when she was 20. She has been living there ever since. Some people have been scared of her at first, but now they are close to her.

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