In Memory of Mayhem

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It's time for the awards! While we await results, let's all take some time to celebrate all of you and the entirety of these Games. Without further delay, here are your awards!

The "kiddos, that's how it's done" Award for Dark Horse

Most of our authors were ones we've seen a number of times before, whether it be in seeded Games or non seeded ones. However, one stood out. Though this author is one who's participated in a previous Games of ours, we've decided to give them recognition for making it as far as Semifinals, going farther we originally expected for this little lady. You know who we're talking about. It's the one's who's always watching with those little blind eyes of hers.

Winner: Teresa Robyn, Lookout {@oppressedZatsuzen}

Runner up: Elissa "Elsa" Ackley, Arsonist {@SeizeThePi}

The "rip i died too early cri" Award for Reverse Dark Horse

We had our fair share of authors, both seeded and those not. We knew most of them well, and we had expectations for a number of them, and there were quite a few who fell short of reasons not quite related to their writing. However, we'd like to award this to one competitor who just couldn't find enough time to write entries, but instead, sent us beautiful poems that really sparked the humor inside of us. You might not have gotten as far as you wanted or we hoped to see you, but you sure got to be hella proud of those poems. To our very own comical poet, we give you the reverse dark horse.

Winner: Ean Adkins, Jailor {@EverydayAmazonBox}

Runner up: Agathina Bride, Medium {@lostwithmyfriends}; Casey Conwell, Vigilante {@angie_z142}

The "idek what to call this" Award for Best Form

This one is pretty self-explanatory, so we'll cut around the bush. We had our fair share of nice forms, but we'd like to honor the one form that caught our attention by the picture. It was realistic, and it had a lady in a dress we found fitting enough for the time period. The form had beautiful writing, and the effort was enough, so give a nice round of applause to our very own doctor!

Winner: Easton Adaire, Doctor {@Paenem_}

Runner-up: Eustace "Stace" Acton {@-Raven-}

The "ima forget bc pls" Award for Best Name

We've got names of all sorts, with some flowery ones and some simplistic ones. However, the one that won our hearts is one that's so simplistic that it fits in with the time era, not to mention the nickname that's forever stuck in our heads. I'm not even going to list the entire name out because I'm sure I'll get it wrong... So I'll shorten it and say that this award is given to the amazing spy in a pink dress- Danny Boi!

Winner: Daniel Bailey, Spy {@josie-tee}

Runner up: Odessa Kailani, Blackmailer {@OliviaBinfield}

The "GMTA" Award for Best Alliance

This one's obvious. It's that one group of four that won our hearts with their cute matching initials as well as wonderful entries. They all procrastinated all their entries, and had amazing coordination with the abilities portion of the Games by helping each other out. The connections between these characters was beautiful, so let's give a hand of applause to the #EASquad for finishing these Games off with a quarterfinalist, a semifinalist, and two finalists! Ean, Stace, Easton, Elsa... What a surprise!

Winners: Ean Adkins, Jailor {@EverydayAmazonBox}; Eustace "Stace" Acton, Retributionist {@-Raven-}; Easton Adaire, Doctor {@Paenem_}; Elissa "Elsa" Ackley, Arsonist {@SeizeThePi}

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