Finals | Mayhem's Last Strike

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The Ghosts have vanished.

Has their long-awaited end come at last?

For now, that remains unknown.

For now, all that's known is that two have perished in their nightmares, the Evil Witch's magic too strong.

Teresa Robyn, Lookout and Eustace "Stace" Acton, Retributionist are no more.


It's our pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to Night Eight of the story and the final round of Author Games: Town of Mayhem.

Once more, we'll be picking up right where we left off. Having escaped their nightmares, hallucinations and memories, your characters will wake. Their gazes shift to the gallows, where the Evil Witch stands, moving her hands with magic at her fingertips. They may try to move backwards, or try and move forward towards the witch, or perhaps they simply stand stand still in shock or awe. It takes only seconds for the Evil Witch to move her hands in one final swift motion, ending the spell.

The town members find themselves frozen. Their arms, legs, head, chest and entire body have been paralyzed by the Evil Witch's magic, but their eyes remain untouched. They may move their eyes how they wish, but obviously, your tribute can't turn their head to see what's directly behind them because their head is still frozen.

The Evil Witch talks to them, but what exactly she says is up to you. If mocks them or taunts them, or tortures them by talking about the deaths they may or may not have caused, or torments them by bringing up the past is for you to decide. Your characters, however, cannot respond because their lips are frozen. It's a one-sided conversation, really.

When your characters have lost almost all hope, nearly accepted their coming deaths, the Ghosts arrive. In broad daylight, they appear, the lines that form their body becoming clear. They're using a powerful spell to bring themselves to the light, to appear to the living in one final attempt to the end the Evil Witch once and for all. However, this time, all those dead and gone join them (this includes all those who have fallen in these Author Games). Only with the magic all of them wield, can they do what needs to be done. As they hold the Evil Witch's magic back with magic of their own, your characters will find themselves free of the spell that once bound them.

The final battle isn't against each other; it's against the witch, together. Your characters are required to work together and bound the Evil Witch's hands in ropes so she can't cast a final spell as she did last time. Her hands are her magic, so don't let her use them. Force her to the gallows, and tie the rope around her neck. Lynch her one final time, and banish all remnants of her magic alongside her soul.

But that's not all.

After the Evil Witch is gone, your character must notice that someone is missing. Giles Corey was never there for the final banishment of the witch, nor did he aid the town. The Evil Witch could never have came back without powerful magic, without help from the side of the living. Her soul remained within the living, existing within her cast magic, but her body did not. Together, you connect the dots.

Giles Corey isn't who he claimed to be. He was never good; no, he's the purest kind of evil there is. He lied to everyone about who he was and about his past. He was the one who worked alongside the Evil Witch; he was the one who brought her back. He is evil, perhaps more so than the feared witch.

The Evil Witch may be gone, her soul finally cast to the dead along with her terrible magic, but Giles Corey is not. He's left the Town of Mayhem, but he's still out there somewhere. Waiting.

Giles Corey does not strike, not yet. He'll wait for decades before he does, and your characters will be long gone by then. For now, they can live their life in peace and to the fullest.

The Town of Mayhem's story may be unfinished, but a decade-long battle is at and end. Your character's story is at a close, and what we ask of you is to write the end. Tie up the loose ends, and truly bring your character's story to a completion.


None. Be free, my lovely birds.


Deadline: Sunday, January 29th, 2017 at 3:00pm, EST [Eastern Standard Timezone]


This is the end. Give us a finale we'll never forget. We wish all of you the best of luck.

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