15 <Today>

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"Swimming? At 6:45 in the morning?" Evan asked. Delirious nodded and splashed him. "Oh come on! I just changed into these!" Evan complained.

"We'll go get into swim shit and get in here with me while everybody is still sleeping." Delirious smirked. Evan smiled to himself and went to change. (Delirious was snooping around in his own room and found the pills)

"Only have six hours. Gotta make these pills last." He blew out making bubbles in the water. He wasn't paying attention, he didn't even hear the splash Evan made when he got in.

Evan wrapped his arms around Delirious' waste and he jumped. Evan laughed. "Chill man, it's me." He felt Delirious' muscles relax and he turned to face him.

"What are you doing?" Delirious asked. "What does it look like?" Evan replied smiling. Delirious chuckled. Silence filled the area as they stared at each other.

"Your eyes look really cool like this." Evan said. "Like what?" Delirious asked confused.
"The specks in your eyes."
"Oh really?"

After about ten minutes of them fucking around they got out and sat down with their feet in the pool "Hey spell me." Evan said.

"M-E." He spelled.
"You forgot the D." Evan smirked.
"There is no D in me.
"Not yet there isn't."

Delirious gave him a blank stare, not getting the joke. Evan winked and Delirious got the joke. He blushed and pushed him in the pool. They both laughed. Evan got out still laughing. Delirious chuckled and got up.

Lui and Mini were the only ones up and were in the kitchen talking. "We gotta get them together." Mini whispered. "Yeah but how?"
"Okay so delirious only has four hours on them pills. If all of us but them two go in four hours I can easily get Evan into Delirious room while he's giving off the scent. Evan's alpha will trigger and boom, H2OVanoss." Mini crossed hims arms and smirked.
"Dude I love it. Do it. But we have to have a reason to go in four hours all of us." Lui said.
"I'll make an excuse to get everybody together but them two, Delirious will be in his room and Evan will be somewhere." Mini said. Lui smiled and nodded.

After two hours, everybody was up and Delirious only had two hours left. Evan was in the bathroom and Mini called everybody to the living room. "What do you guys want?" Brian asked crossing his arms.

"H2OVanoss. We're getting them together. Today." Everybody nodded and smiled. "So in four hours, we're all leaving to go "shopping" and Delirious' heat will kick in and I will put Evan in his room. His alpha will trigger and boom, together. In both ways."

They all laughed.

Four hours passed and Delirious locked himself in his room and Evan was sitting down lost in thoughts. Mini whistled and went up to Delirious' room knocking on the door. Lui pushed Evan in Delirious' room and they shut the door laughing.

The scent Delirious gave off made Evan's alpha slowly started taking control. They all left so they won't hear them do the nasty.

"It's okay."

Delirious nodded and smiled. He motioned Evan to come closer. Evan' alpha took full control and his eyes glowed red. Delirious' started to glow blue.


okay, y'all have to wait for it (;

Btw, I can't update TMRO or the next day BECAUSE trmo I'm going with my gf all day to a place and I have to write it.


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