Being Followed

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After everything that happened in the pub, we all decided to go home. Roc insisted that he give me a ride home, but i told him he inst driving at all cause knowing him when he's drunk, he'd most likely crash. So instead i walked home. Even though the pub was a long way's away from where we stay, i didn't mind.

I was walking down one of the road's in the Irish neighborhood when i heard someone behind me yelling. I turned to see two of those men from in the pub, they looked really pissed off and from one of them yelling at the other, they hadn't noticed me yet.  I started to back away, but to my luck i backed into a post box, which is now gonna be the cause of my death. They must have recognized me cause now they were making their way toward's me, so i ran for  it.

I ran for what seemed like forever, down a few different street's here and there and when i turned into what i thought was another street, it ended up being an alley way with a dead end. I stopped and turned around facing the entrance way and saw the two men standing there looking right back at me, i was beyond scared when i heard one of them say, 'This is gonna be fun.'

I was frozen in place and couldn't stop shaking as they were coming closer to me, i tried screaming for help over and over again, every time they took a step closer but no one came. The two men both laughed at me. "No one around here is going to help you." My eye's began to get blurry with tear's, then it hit me. "Do you know who i am?" They both looked to each other and then back to me and shook their head's. "Can't say we do.." "I'm Harli Yakavetta. And if you touch me, you're dead men!" Once again they both just laughed at me as if they didn't care and that was all that i could think of that would help me. "Then it will be worth it."

I took another step back but tripped and hit my head on something, my head began to spin and my eye's blurred. "Hey, leave her alone!" Another two men made their way into the alley and over to the men and that voice sounded really familiar? I reached up to touch my head and felt blood, my blood. I put my hand back down and everything was starting to darken around me and i couldn't hear anything properly.

"Shit, it's two of those fella's from the bar. Murph go see if that lass is alright, i'll watch these asshole's." I heard someone walking towards me but only just, I flinched when i couldn't make out who it was and i thought it was another one of those men. I tried to get up to try to get away but i was gently pushed back down to the hard cold ground.

I kept my eye's closed waiting for something bad to happen but when nothing did, i opened my eye's, everything was still blurry but i could make out that the figure next to me was in fact Murphy MacManus. He was knelt down beside me, looking me over. "Shit Harli? Are you okay?" He had concern in his voice, but then again why wouldn't he? I probably looked like shit.. I could feel his eye's looking me over again for any type of mark to make sure i wasn't hurt in any way, and when i didn't answer him, i think it took it as a bad sign. He went to help me up but grabbed my hand with my fresh blood on it. My eye's got heavy again and started to close as i could faintly hear him calling to his brother to help him with me. "Connor, it's Harli. Quick! Shit Harli, stay with me. Don't close your eye's on me." I couldn't make out anything he was saying and my eye's were getting heavier and heavier until i couldn't keep them open anymore and i blacked out.


Okay, so this was a filler chapter, for the next one to make sense.

Hope you're enjoying it so far and there's still heap's more to come! x

Heart, Comment or Follow! It would mean a lot to know what you think about it so far. :)

Thank you! Norman Reedus 4 Ever! <3

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