Kiss Of Death

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After the boy's told Smecker about what happened with the men at the bar, i sat quietly not wanting to remember what happened or what they had said. And the boy's didn't leave out any detail's, they told it like it was. He pressed the recording button on the machine as he started to as us some question's.

"How is it that you boy's are fluent in Russian?"  Just completely ignore the fact that i am sitting right here, but then again i haven't said anything, yet. "We paid attention in school." "Do you speak any other language's?" "Aye. Our mother insisted on it. French."

Murphy - (French) "How do you think he figured all of this out with out even talking to us?"

"Oh that's beautiful." Of course it is, Murph said it. 'Oh god, i did it again.!' But seriously, this is hilarious cause he doesn't have a clue at all with what they are saying, but of course i do.

Connor - (Italian) "I have no idea, maybe someone saw and talked."

"What's that?" Connor laughed at him. Smecker keep's smiling like an idiot at the boy's because of how interesting this all seem's to be to him. "It's Italian." I have to get in on this.

Me - (German) " Not in your neighborhood. A hundred percent Irish, right? No one is stupid enough to talk to cop's, period."

All three of the men looked at me questionably, as if they couldn't believe i knew what they were saying or how i knew to speak another language at all. But they looked away and seemed to have ignored it for now.

Connor - (Spanish) "Then i guess he's just real, real good."

That time the three of us laughed and Smecker just smiled at us. "What are you two doing working in a meat packing plant and you in a auto shop?"

He asked the last part directed at me, i didn't actually work in an auto shop but i had to have something in my record's, didn't i? The boy'd both looked at me questionably again, but i ignored them and just shrugged for my answer cause i didn't have a frigging clue what to say to him. I noticed that, that was the boy's answer to him aswell. Then the door opened.

"Oh Agent Smecker?" A younger looking cop walked in. "Yeah?"  "The press are everywhere. They're going insane. What do you wanna do?"  Great now how am i gonna get the hell outta here? "Your not being charged. It's up to you three. Wanna talk to em'?" Why the hell would we wanna do that? I'm wanted dead as it is, so i shook my head. "Hell no." 'Absolutely not." "No picture's either. Is there any way that we can stay here?" "Yeah. We have an extra holding cell. You could.."

He trailed off and looked at Smecker who was looking right back at him, probably thinking  the same thing as me. 'What the hell..' "Can they stay?" What the hell is with this guy? "Well, we'll have to check with your mom, but it's okay with me if your friend's sleep over." I couldn't hold in the laugh that I've been holding in and obviously the boy's couldn't either as they laughed with me.

Smecker stood up from his chair. "Time to feed the dog's." He grabbed his coat and walked out the door closing it behind him.


I was standing in the corner of the cell not paying attention to anything anyone was saying to anyone until i heard Murphy yell. "Yeah!" I looked over to see Rocco. "What do you have there?" He then pulled two necklaces out from under his shirt, took them off and then handed one to Murphy and Connor. "Ah yeah!" "Very nice." You could easily tell the difference between Murphy and Connor. Connor was the sensible, smart, caring and polite one. Where as Murphy was the crazy, stupid, rude and cute one. Hmm..

Roc laughed at them and then turned around so that he was now facing me, he had a look of shock and confusion written all over his face. "Harli?" 'Why is he so shocked to see me in here? HA. Good one..' "Hey Roc-" I went to keep talking but he pulled me into a hug. "Where have you been? I've been worried sick! I'm guessing you never made it home last night cause your dad nearly beat the shit-"

I stopped him from finishing his sentence cause we were in earshot of the boy's. "I was with them last night and thing's that i would rather not talk about happened. Actually can you get me out of here?" Roc nodded and Murphy looked up at me. "Is that such a good idea? What if the press see you? They won't leave you alone?" What is up with him? This dude worries to much.. "I don't even think they know i was with you guy's, i'll be fine." "I hope so.." He mumbled that but we all heard him. We all gave him a look of confusion to his 'I hope so' comment. What the hell does he even mean by that? Does he care about me or is he just worried?

"Anyway Roc, we have to get going." I turned to leave but someone grabbed my hand, i turned to see it was Murph. "Please, don't go.." Now i feel bad for him, but why does he want me to stay? "I Can't" And then he did something none of us were expecting. He kissed me. I instantly pulled away only for him to pull me back to him and kiss me again, and this time i went with it. It was long, sweet and  i didn't mind it, i liked it. But i pulled away again. I could never be with Murphy, i shouldn't even know him, i shouldn't have even been at the pub last night. But i was. And it can never happen again, not while my father is alive.

"I have to go.." He only nodded but didn't take his eye's away from mine, i turned and i could still feel his eye's on me but i didn't look back or stop walking, with Roc following right behind me. "Are you insane? What was that? Are you two a thing now?" "I don't know, he kissed me. Why don't you ask him!" I completely snapped at Roc. I don't know what that was back there and if i knew i wouldn't be asking myself the same question.

He didn't answer me and just led me to his car and we were on our way back to the warehouse, where the other hundred men were, where my dad was... I'll never hear the end of this one, unless i'm dead first. Which is most likely what will happen, unless he get's to Roc first.


Norman Reedus 4 Ever! <3

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