Murder & Run

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The next morning i woke up with a massive headache and i was in the warmth of someones arms and instantly thought that it was one of dads men and i freaked out. I began to struggle in their arms but their grip on me began to tighten becoming nearly impossible to move at all. I looked around the room i was in and it didn't look familiar to me at all, so who ever is next to me mustn't be one of his men but i still can't be sure of that, this could be some place that one of them hide's out in to hide from the cop's.

I figured the only way that i could be sure was to turn so i'd be facing them, with alot of effort and struggle i managed to turn over and came face to face with Murphy? Then i remembered everything that had happened last night and that we were in Roc's apartment. A massive hangover like this won't make me forget the kind of thing's that happened last night... I heard someone standing up from the floor and figured it was one of the other two or both of them and then them going out the door and closing it behind them. It was nice being in Murphy's arm's but we had to get up.

"Murphy?" I lightly tried to shake him awake but he didn't even stir, not at first anyway. After a few more attempts at doing it he finally began to stir and slowly open his eyes while letting me out of his death grip and as soon as he did i got up from the couch. "Morning." "Morning beautiful. Where are the other two?" He asked as he looked around the tiny apartment. I honestly had no clue as to where they went off too but if i had to guess they went out to have a smoke. "I don't know, probably out for a smoke is my guess." He got up from the couch and grabbed his coat from the back of the chair he had sat on the previous night and walked towards the door, opened it and motioned me to go out before him, such a gentlemen. "You know us all too well."

Once we walkled out he shut the door behind him and we began to walk outside to where we guessed Connor and Roc would be having a smoke. Murph was just putting on his jacket as we rounded the corner and saw Connor having a very serious conversation with Roc but i couldn't make out exactly what it was about.

"Where the fuck are you goin'? Did you tell him?" "Of course i fuckin' told him." What the hell are they talking about? "Told him what?" "Well what the fuck?" And i just got ignored. "What are you guy's talking about?" "Hey, you guy's don't know that shit for sure." "Oh, you're such a fuckin retard." "Hey, fuck you." He shoved Murphy back, nearly making him hit into me and i still had no idea as to what they were arguing about and i hate being put in the dark. Murphy then grabbed Roc and pinned him to the wall. "Man, use your fuckin brain for once. Is it so fuckin unbelievable that they don't fuckin care about ya?"

"Oh yeah, you two fuckin mick's know what's goin on huh? Fuck you both." "Roc calm down!" "Fuck you Roc, it's not a thing you should fuckin gamble on, alright?!" I'm gonna take a guess as to what they're talking about and say it would have to be about last night and Roc being sent to his death, so hell, for once i'm agreeing with someone against Roc.

"I'm the fuck out of here." "Roc!" "Fine, fuck it. What kind of flowers do you want at your funeral you dumb wop! It's the last time i'm gonna see you!" Well i think it's safe to say that this is fucked. "I'll be back at nine and bury the fucking cat!" Murph came over to me and wrapped his arm around my waste and began to lead me back inside but i told him to wait a minute and made my way back over to where Connor was standing. "Roc, if something happen's you run!" "Yeah, you get a bad vibe, get the fuck out, quick!"

With no return answer from Roc, we stood there and watched him walk away until he wasn't in our sight anymore and made our way back inside, the boy's went straight to cleaning up the cat while i sat down at the table and waited for Roc to come back.


We sat and waited for any new's from Roc, but still haven't heard anything from him.  I sat playing with my finger nails to try and pass the time and to try not to think about Roc which was impossible to do, Connor was calmly reading a magazine and Murph was getting impatient. Then the phone rang and Murph answered.

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