The Punishment

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WARNING. Inappropriate language.

I've been back at the warehouse for about an hour now, and my dad still hasn't stopped yelling at me yet. He's going on about me being stupid and reckless, how can he pull that card on me? Has he looked at himself lately? But seriously, he nearly killed Roc because of me. Somehow he found out about me being out last night and that we were together, but has no clue as to what happened. If he did he would never let me out of his sight again, i'd have to have one of his men watching my every move at all time's no matter what.

So now i'm not allowed to leave the warehouse unless it's going somewhere with him or one of his men and now to top it all off he won't let me near Roc and vise versa, unless it's of course for a meeting or something. Speaking of Roc, here he is now.

"Oh, it's the 'funny man' Give it here package boy." Who the hell doe's he think he is talking to Roc like that?! "Joey said it was important, said to give it to him myself." He snapped his fingers in front of Roc's face and told him to sit down in a chair that sat on the opposite side of my dad's desk. The arrogant prick is Vincenzio Lappazi by the way, he's the one that goe's everywhere dad goe's, he's even tried to flirt with me behind my dad's back but if i were to ever tell him that, well you could guess who's side he'd take., he's such a douche bag.

"Sp, i'm Rocco. The 'funny man'." He laughed at him in a mocking way, which makes me want to punch him in the face, but i stand my ground and give Roc a reassuring smile which he nod's back too and gives me a small smile back while Vince wasn't looking at him. "I'm so fuckin funny." "Fuck up Vincenzo." You tell the fucker Roc. "How'd you get that shiner on your eye? What's the matter? Someone didn't think you were funny?" God he is so pathetic. "I caught your show at the holiday inn. Loved it when you busted in to 'Viva La Vegas'." Vince then got up and grabbed Roc by the throat. "Vince don't!"

Dad then got up out of his chair and started yelling in to the phone. "You insignificant little fuck! I will get my money you cocksucking bastardo!" He slammed down the phone ending the conversation with whoever was on the other end making me jump a little. He then sat back down alot more calmly.

"The 90's man, it's killing me. I shouldn't have done that. You're not supposed to tell people you'll kill them no more. I gotta tiptoe through the tullip's with these asshole's. Taking all of the fun out of the job." "Daddy, i'm goona go to my room now." "Alright. But no where else, understand?" I nodded to him, looked at Roc one last time and then left but stood outside the door listening.

"Pappa Joe, you want me to go?" I want nothing more then foe him to tell Roc to leave, but if you think about it, i just walked out so he won't let him. "All the boy's tell me how you make them all laugh, what a crack-up you are. What do they call you?" "Uh, the..." Don't hesitate in front of him Roc, it's what he want's. "The...the funny man." Yeah cause they're all dick's.. "Funny man. I'm having a shitty day. I'm depressed. Tell me a funny joke." No, don't tell him to do that... "Now? A joke, uh, um.. uh, a joke, yeah. Alright. Um.. There's these uh three guy's, uh.. a spic, a white guy and a black guy." "Nigger!" God he is such a racist! "Yeah. N...yeah. And they walk along the beach. They see this pot. They rub it and a genie come's out.

Genie say's, you know, you wish for anything you want. So they ask the mexican what he want's, and he goe's, i want all of my people in America to be happy and free in mexico. So the genie went poof and all the spic's are in mexico. Then he ask's the black guy -" "Nigger." "Yeah that's what i said. Goe's to the nigger, Say's 'What do you want?' And he goe's, i want all nigger brother's in America to be back in Africa and happy and everything, you know. So the genie goe's poof, and all the nigger's in America are in Africa.

And, uh...this has...i'm not funny today, i know. I'm having a hard day. This joke suck's. It's, it's a stupid joke." "Continue the joke." "So the genie say's to the white guy, um, what's your one wish? And the white guy goe's, you mean to tell me that all the nigger's and spic's are out of America? The genie say'd, yeah. He say's, well, um, i'll have a coke then."

There's a pause for a few second's after he finishe's the joke and i'm afraid of what will happen next, until i hear dad laugh and then all three of them do. "I'll have a coke." How doe's he find the joke that funny? I mean i'm glad he doe's, but, really? "Yeah?" They all continue to laugh some more until. "Tell me one more." The laughing stop's. "What?" I sigh giving up on seeing Roc and actually go back to my room. I'll have to sneak out.

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