Don't Leave Me

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It all happened so fast, that i didn't see it coming, not even the boy's had seen it coming and they knew what they were doing. My father knew we were coming, he had his men positioned all around the place and they had caught us, just like that. Murphy knew something bad was going to happen tonight and wanted me to stay back at Rocco's, but i didn't listen to him. And now, i don't even have the slightest clue as to where they are or what my father and his men are doing to them. While i was being held at gun point by one of my fathers men in another room.


~ .2 Hour's Earlier. ~

After we had left the church, we got back into the car and wen't straight back to Rocco's place so the boy's could get what they needed for the night, the night that my father will finally get what he deserves, what he had coming to him. His death. The boy's walked straight in through the door and over to their gun bag's that sat down on the small rounded kitchen table while i closed and stood at the door watching them. A part of me wanted to scream at them and tell them to forget about him and just not go, to stay here and have a drink and a laugh like we did when Rocco accidently killed that chick's cat. But then again another part of me was screaming and jumping for joy that the son of a bitch i call 'Father' was finally going to die and i'd be free from him.

"Harli? Are you OK? You look pale." I looked up from the floor at Rocco, who looked concerned for me, to which i smiled at. I don't know what i'd do if something ever happened to him, he's my real family, my real brother, the only family i ever need. "Yeah Roc, i was just thinking. I guess i zoned out, i'll be fine." He didn't look convinced though. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug, it was one of those hug's where you never wanted to let go, to never leave them. But in the end, you always have to let go.

I pulled away after a few moments and i didn't even know i had tears streaming down my face until Roc wipped them away with his fingers, telling me it was OK and that we were going to be OK. I nodded and looked over at the other two boy's, i had forgot that they were even here for a second. Connor was still packing thing's while Murphy was looking at the both of us, but mostly me. I sighed and looked back over at Roc to see him smiling at me. "Talk to him." He gave me a kiss on the fore head and walked over to Connor just as Murphy was walking over to me.

"Hey." "Hey. Can we talk for a minute?" I nodded and we walked over to the couch, sitting down. He grabbed my hands in his and sighed before he started talking. "Harli. I wan't you to stay where it's safe and we'll be back before you know it." I couldn't believe what he was saying. I have gone everywhere with them until this point and now he want's me to stay behind? Why? "It's never going to be safe Murphy, no matter where you, me or those two are. You just don't wan't me to go cause you's are killing him, right? No matter what you say, i'm going with you guy's."

He sighed and looked away from me and by the look on his face i knew he was thinking of what he was going to say to me. When he looked back at me he frowned, but slightly smiled at me. "I knew you were goin' to say tha'. Here i got you somethin'." He pulled a small box from out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Well Doc wen't and got it for me, cause i can't really be out in public much now. But i hope you like it." I opened up the box lid and smiled when i saw a beautiful silver necklace in there. When i took it out, he helped me put it on. It was a Celtic cross just like what the boy's wear, but it was more girly and not as bulky as their's are and the circle ring had small diamonds going all the way around it.

"Murphy it's beautiful, i love it." He smiled and then his lips instantly found mine roughly, with passion and longing. I didn't ever wan't the moment to end, i just wanted to stay here like this forever and never have to leave him. His hands reached up and caressed my face as the kiss continued and when he pulled away, i was a little dissapointed. His hands never left my face though as he rested his fore head against mine, while we both catched our breath. "I love you, Harli." I opened my eyes and looked at his looking straight back into mine, waiting for me to say it back to him or probably just to say anything at this point. I was beyond shocked, but i smiled. I have never had anyone say that to me in my whole life and i never thought i would. But here was Murphy Macmanus, the man that i love, proclaiming his love for me. "I love you too." 


When we got to my dad's place, we wen't around the back so we wouldn't be seen by him. The boy's scoped out the place but didn't see anything bad happening. The place was deserted, there wasn't any of his men there to protect him. Or so we thought. We thought our best bet was to get in through the basement so the boy's wen't in first, followed by Rocco and myself. But when we got in there, we were grabbed by my fathers men, who must have been out of our sight so we wouldn't see them. It was a fuckin' ambush. Two mean each had a hold or Murphy and Connor who were trying to get out of the men's hold but weren't succeeding, Rocco and myself only had one person restraining us, we knew better then to fight it.

My father walked into the room and told his men to take the boy's into one of the other room's and when the man that was holding me wen't to drag me away, my father stopped him and told him to take me to his study. When we got in there i was pushed down in to a chair and then my dad walked in, i sent daggers at him but he ignored them and walked right over to me, slapping me across the face, cutting my lip, making it bleed. But i didn't weep, i didn't back away, i looked him right in the eyes, daring him to do it again. Sooner or later he'll get what's coming to him.

"I'm very disappointed in you. This whole time you have been with these amature prick's. Why?" I had a build up of blood in my mouth and as soon as he finished talking, i spat it in his face, not answering his question. He wiped the blood off of his face and then looked back at me, slapping me in the face again, this time a lot harder then before. He turned away from me and walked over to his gun and loading it with three bullet's. "No!" He told the man to pick me up and we walked out of the study and came to a door at the other end. 

Yakavetta walked in first as myself and the man dragging me were a few feet behind. I heard men screaming 'Where you goin'?!' And knew that it was at the boy's. When i was bought in, my breath caught in my throat, i couldn't breath from what i was seeing in front of me. The boy's were all cuffed up to chairs and they had been beaten. Their face's were covered in blood and they were trying to get away from the other men who had caused it. "Shut up! Shh! shh. sh, sh, sh, sh, sh." He began to speak in Italian, but i was too panicked to listen to whatever it was that he was saying.

He walked over to Roc who was in the middle and got in his face, slightly laughing at the sight in front of him. I looked at all three of them and saw that one of the men had each of them in head locks, i looked at Murphy and saw that he was looking at me. I tried to stay brave for them, but the tears that were now streaming down my face, told me that i had failed at doing so. "You have some answers for me, no?" "Yeah, fuck you." The man holding Roc grabbed his hand as Yakavetta held the gun to it. He was going to shoot him in the hand. Everything became quiet to me, i couldn't hear what Connor was saying to Rocco, i couldn't hear the chairs moving against the floor as Murphy and Rocco were moving around on them as they were cuffed to the,, trying to get out of their hold and lastly, i couldn't hear Rocco yelling.

But i heard the gun shot go off. BANG! "Roc! Roc! You'll be fine!" Connors reassurance wasn't enough for him as he kept screaming from the gun shot wound to his hand. The tears were coming out of my eyes a lot more harder now and they wouldn't stop coming. "Roc!" I was dragged back out with Yakavetta and his men as they talked about what they were going to do with the boy's. "OK. What do you think boy's?" They wen't on and on about how Murphy and Connor were the brains and Rocco was just a 'Punk'. "There's only one thing to do." "No! You son of a bitch! Leave him alone!" I was dragged back into the room as Yakavetta held his gun up to Rocco.

"God, no!" He fired the gun, shooting Roc through the chest, making the chair he was in fall back onto the floor. "Roc." I didn't have it in me to scream anymore as Yakavetta walked over to me, but i didn't take my eye's away from my brother, who was now dying. He walked up to me, telling the man to let me go and as he walked out he grabbed my face in his hands. "So much like your mother, but just like you, she wen't behind my back and i didn't like that." He roughly threw me to the floor, making me hit my head roughly against the wall and walked out slamming the door behind him. "Roc?" 

I crawled over to Roc, ignoring the fact that the boys were still cuffed to their chairs and were screaming at Roc, wanting him to answer them. I made my way over to him and put my hand on his chest, careful not to hurt him. "Roc? Please be OK, i don't wan't to lose you. Please don't leave me, i love you." Murphy had knocked his chair over so he could get over to Roc as Connor kept screaming out his name, but i wasn't listening to him, my focus was on Roc and Roc alone. "I love you too." He looked over at Murphy who was now next to Rocco and looking at him, waiting for what ever it was he was going to say. "You can't stop! You get out of here. You keep her safe and you don't ever stop." Murphy nodded to his demanding request and after a few more deep breaths he stopped breathing all together.

I couldn't move, i couldn't think, hear or see. I didn't wan't to leave him, not like this. Murphy was trying to get himself and the chair to sit back up while Connor was slipping the cuffs off from the metal chair. Murphy finally got the chair and proceeded to do the same thing as Connor did. One thing was for certain, the boy's were fuming and i was down right pissed off. Murphy walked himself and the still attached chair over to where Connor sat and sat down in front of him. Murphy got his sweater in his mouth and then shouted at Connor to 'Do it.' What the hell does he mean by that?

Connor then began to kick Murphy in the arm roughly, trying to break it so he could slip it out of the cuffs. Murphy screamed in pain, but it came out in grunts while he had his sweater in his mouth, muffling it. When Murphy was out of the cuffs and the chair he walked over to me as i was still sitting with Rocco's body crying and picked me up. He dragged me over to the side so we were behind a wall, where we wouldn't be seen and waited for the men to walk in. We heard feet walking on the ground getting closer and closer to us, but there was only one person walking in. "What the fuck?" He noticed Murphy's chair empty and that Connor was the only one in the room besides Rocco, but the man wasn't worried about him.

While the man was focused on Connor and the empty chair, Murphy came up behind him and stabbed him in the shoulder, and then kept going. When he was finished and the man was dead, he wen't over to Connor and helped him get out of the chair he was cuffed to. I walked away from the wall and back over to Rocco, silently crying again to myself. Once Connor was out of the chair the boy's walked over and they each grabbed one of his shoulders lifting him up, so the chair was in a sitting position again.

They each put a penny over his eyes and then took a moment to look at their fallen friend, who in a way was like a brother to them aswell. They got down on their knees and put their heads down. Saying the prayer that they keep only in the family, the one Roc wanted so bad to learn, but the boys wouldn't teach. "And shepards we shall be, for thee my lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy ha-" We heard a gun click, but i was to afraid to move. The boy's both looked at one another and then turned quickly, each pointing one of their gun's at whoever was there.

I turned and saw the man that had shot at us back at the psychopaths house, leaning against the door frame. I was shocked when he kept going with the family prayer, finishing off what the boy's hadn't. "That our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We will flow a river fourth unto thee.. And teeming with souls shall it ever be." Connor was the first to put down his gun and when he did Murphy followed suit. But they both still kept their eyes on the man standing in front of them. "In Nomine Patri, Et Filii, Et Spiritus Sancti." 

He put a hand on each of the boy's and tilted their heads up do he could get a good look at them. I looked away from them and back to Rocco, not caring about what the three other men were doing and caressed his head, not caring that he was covered in blood. "I can't leave him here like this Murphy." I said to him after his father's, his and Connor's moment and then he walked over to me, putting an arm around me, also looking down at Rocco. "They'll find him and bury him somewhere, we'll find out and then we'll find him." I lent down and gave Roc a kiss on the head and lent my shoulder against Murph's as we walked out to where Connor and their father was. I looked back at him one last time and then we left.

 Never to see Rocco ever again. 

Angel's And A Demon - Murphy MacManusDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora