I Was the Invisible Nerd.... Now I'm... Not?

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hey guys!!!

just to let you know... maybe a few little spelling mistakes and

really this story was an english short story thingie... something i gave up on

but seems as you people like it i shall continue!!!

enjoy your read

- from tinny


Amber-Lee's POV

'honey? are you awake' a familar voice spoke. 'honey, are you going to get up and see what i have for you? i have pancakes!'

"mmm, five more minute mum'

what was she thinking? Come to think of it, i do feel like pancakes. i slowly opened my eyes.

'okay im up, what is it?' i sat up and pulled my glasses on, to see a smiling Taylor with both hands behind her back.

'miss Amber-lee, i have a gift from your dearest mother' she pulled out a rectanglar box ' happy birthday honey.'

i cant believe i forgot my own birthday, the 28th of september. Taylor handed the purple box to me and watched as i opened it.

behind the white tissue paper. i stopped. i pulled out the most gorgouse pair of skinny jeans i have ever seen, next was a really cute leather jacket!

'aww mum thank you so much, i love you' i got up from bed and gave Taylor a huge hug. i pulled back to put my new cloths againest myself.

'i know Amie, ohh hurry up or you'll be late for school' with that she left me to get ready.

i desided for school i will wear my new jeans and jacket. i also put on a pale yellow shirt on, before pulling my hair into a messy bun. one things for sure i dont usually wear this kind of stuff. i would usually wear a shirt bagge jeans and a jumper. but today was a little different.

when it comes to social things, i just dont want to take part in it what so ever. being invisable has some advantages i guess. like... ohh i dont have to do work as offen, i get my homework done at school, and.. then theres the disadvantages. i hate drawing attention to myself its like im the bug under a microscope just sitting there under a bright light.

~yea Penns never going to notice you!~

wait, wat the--

'honey breakfast it ready!' taylor yelled from the kitchen, cutting off my train of thought.

'coming!' i yelled back, i igornored the stupid voicein my head. usually it gives me shit about how shy i am and how i have no friends. before i left the comfort of my room i throw a pair blue ballet flats and grabbed my book bag. heading down the stair i wondered what the time was.

'hey mum i was just wondering if--' she just stair at me 'what wrong? is the house on fire?'

she just shoke her head.

'no honey you look really... different... ohh can i do your hair properly please' my mother begged.

'arr no mum i got a thing going on so... its only natural...' moving around my mum, i gave the pancakes a hungry glare 'im just going to take a few of these'

'okay Ammmmmmber-lee' she drew out my name 'remember i will be home late, theres some pizzia in the freezer okay?'

i looked over at my mother. she had the same brown-gold hair as me and thats where the simailartes end. where she has cyrstal blue eyes, i had intense green. she was about a few incies shorter then me, in fact i was just a little taller then most girls at my school.

I was the Invisible Nerd... Now I'm... Not?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن