I was the Invisible Nerd... Now I'm... Not? [6]

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Hey Readers!!

Here is Chapter 6!!

Sorry for making the last chapter so short...

Nevertheless, to make up for it I made this one longer


-from the unsolved tinny

Ps, thanks for all you comments & votes!!


Penn's Pov

I watched as Amb walked or more like ran pass Blanche and into the main Restaurant. I was this close, THIS close to kissing those soft red lips. But Blanche... I will never understand that girl. I turned to the Blonde chick in front of me and gave her an angry look.

'Blanche...' I shook my head. 'For the hundredth time we are not to-get-her'

'Ooh, but babe' she came up to me then and started rubbing up against me.

'Don't 'babe' me' I had to untwine her hands from my hips. 'And stop doing that'

She gave me a seductive look, who does this girl thinks she is? Some kind of prostitute? Or just plain hopeless?

'Stop what?' she came up to me then, I cringed away again as if she was a germ. But yet again, she took it the wrong way and moved even closer to me until I hit the wall.

I was trapped. She started to run her hands down to the hem of my shirt, then she run her hands under my shirt and up my chest. I felt so violated; I pushed her away and walked away from her. She would have had to pull that stunt on every guy in the school.

'Blanche, stay the HELL away from me' I roared down at her. I wanted nothing to do with her now, she can go screw some other guy, no wait, she can just go screw Steven.

'Penn, I know you want me, and no nerdy shank is going to tell me otherwise!' she yelled. I was fuming now, how dare she call Amber-lee a shank! I have had it up to here with this chick; she is really starting to get on my nerves.

I came towards her, and pushed her up against the wall with a huge plant beside it.

'Ooh, I like it rough' she purred, that just made me more frustrated.

'Look Blanche, don't you EVER, and so you can get it in your thick head' I knocked on her head. 'Don't you EVER say that about Amber-lee again' I growled down at her.

I let go of her, turned around, and walked away from her. I don't want Amber-lee hurt, and I defiantly don't want that stupid blonde insulting her while I'm around. Come to think of it, I do remember seeing Amber-lee before her new clothes and make-up. Sure, she hid her gorgeous face behind glasses and her tall graceful body behind Baggy clothes, but that doesn't mean Blanche has to be a bitch all the fucking time.

'What has she got that I don't have' Blanche yelled out. I turned to her and gave her a weird look.

'How about a Brain?' I told her and walked out of the restaurant. Steven and Blanche can find their own way home; I'm not driving that hopeless psycho again. I sped down the street in the direction of my house. As you already know, I live with my Aunt Julia and her husband Boyd, and their two sons Angus (10) and Mickey (6). I have always wanted younger siblings, being an only child, but Angus and Mickey are a great substitute. Angus is a young soccer player with brown hair with a tint of red and Ice blue eyes, while Little Mickey's is just a light brown and the same ice blue eyes.

I was pulling into my street. The neighbourhood is pretty average, a mix between two-story and one-story houses, some with or without pools. Most of the lawns of the houses were either ridded with toys or really neat and cleanly cut. I pulled into number 28, a cream coloured house, and only a one-story house. I parked my car next to Boyd's Black Sedan. I sat in the car for a minute while looking out the window. You soon could see these one set of eyes peeping though the window, I instantly knew it was Mickey. I hop out of my dark blue Ferrari, and walked towards the tall doors. I could hear a high-pitched yell coming from within.

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