I was the Invisible Nerd... Now I'm... Not? [3]

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Hey Readers!

I would like to introduce you to the next chapter!!!!

I choose to let you get to know Penn a little more and Steven as well

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from the inexplicable tinny


Oh NO here we go with one of Taylor's strange plan, now her plans usually involved costumes and false identity, and all you have to do is throw ridicules into the mix and you have one of Taylor's plans.

'Do I really want to hear this?' I was more scared of Taylor's plans then the actual outcome. Well she ignored the question anyway.

'Okay here it goes...' she put her hands on the table.

Ohh damn I don't like where this is going...



Penn's Pov

'So Penn, You coming with me and Blanche to Ceasrio's tonight? Or what' Steven said to me on our way to his house. All afternoon I can't seem to get Amber-lee out of my head... hmm she's been in my class since 1st grade... and her last name is Bryce, her mother must be that famous painter. It just had to be a Friday, didn't it!

'Hey? Penn? Hello?' Something was thrown at me from the side, I swived a bit on the road and righted myself, I breathed out slowly. I have to stop doing that. Driving and spacing out do NOT mix.

'Man, you have to stop spacing out like that, you could kill someone' we both chuckled, then my thoughts went back to the only girl I can't seem touch.

Stop Penn, get a grip on yourself, I mentally slapped myself

'Oh and by the way we have to pick Blanche up too' Steve turned to look at the window.

'WE WHAT?!' I roared, I can't handle Blanche anymore. 'I'm sorry Steve, she's going to have to walk, she's too... clingy' I cringed. She is not getting in my car. Not like the last time she was in it...

'Aww come on Penn, we just have to-'

'Hell to the no' I cut him off, it was silent till we made it to Steve's house for him to change. The only reason Steven has to change is because at lunch, he spilt chocolate yoghurt all over his pants, it's pretty funny.

It was about an hour and a half later when Steven finally came out of the house just wearing black skinny jeans (I think, are meant for girls) and a loose green shirt with 'the legend' printed in the middle of the shirt and below the words was an arrow pointing down. Of all the shirts he has, he had to choose that one. I shook my head.

'Come on let's go!' he said excitedly while jumping into the car and blasting the stereo with the song 'Hypnotized' by Plies.


Steven's Pov

I wonder what's got Penn so... I don't know... weird? Him and Blanche are like the "it" couple, and now I hear that Penn can't even sit in the same car as her? Hmmm something's up... Oh well, more for me! Yeah I know, I know. I shouldn't be getting it on with my best friend's girlfriend but what can I say? Once you go black, you never go back... at least that what I think the saying is?

And I also wonder who that hottie was with the green glasses, why haven't I seen her before? But who cares? I still want her, if you know what I mean.

'Hey Penn, stop by Blanche's house, remember?' I could tell Penn was getting angry by the second on the idea of Blanche being in his car again. The last time she was in his car, she 'accidentally' spilt alcohol though out the back seat. Clearly, not pretty, but I think I helped out with that because I was pissed too.

'Yeah, whatever' Penn mumbled under his breath. Hmm, I'm bored what to talk-

'Who was that chick you were talking to back at school?' hey, a guy had to know who he was going to bang, right?

'Ohh No, you're not going anywhere near her. I know what you're like, and I'm not letting you near her' Whoa, what was that? I think I just hit an angry bone!

'Man I just asked you who she was, not if she's available for a one night stand' which is what I intended to do, if you don't mind me thinking.

'Alright fine, her names Amber-lee Bryce. Do you remember her from class? Or something' he looked to me then and then back at the road.

Amber-lee Bryce. Amber-lee. Amber-lee- wait.

No F-ing way! The nerd from my math class is the hottie with the green glasses! Jesus Christ, that girl cleaned up good. And I mean she must have had plastic surgery or something to look that delicious. I could feel the blood rushing into my "hmm"

Okay breathe, in and out, in and out I thought.

Slowly I began to calm down. By that time, we made it to Blanche's house, she walked out in what a prostitute might wear: for example, a micro mini skirt and a tight tube top.

That girl has NO self-respect what so ever, and it doesn't take a player like me to know that either...


to be continued....







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