I was the Invisible Nerd... Now I'm... Not? [8]

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Hello Fans! And Non-Fans!

Chapter 8 has finally arrived from a delayed flight

Hope you enjoy!!!


Penn's Pov

We made it into the office and we were sitting there waiting for the nurse to come back from lunch. Amber sat in front of my looking towards the door. I want to know what she is thinking.

When she turned back she gave me a funny look, and then looked around the room then her eyes laid on me again. She then lifted her hand and pushed her glasses up higher on her nose.

'Why do you keep doing that?' she mumbled. What was I doing? I'm probably creeping her out for all I know, because I'm staring at her so much.

'What?' was all that came out of my mouth.

'That' she pointed with her chin at me. I looked down at my blood stain shirt and that bloods not mine fore sure. I gave her a strange look too, what is she talking about?

'You keep staring at me' she finally explains, see I knew I was creeping her out. 'Why?'

Because I can't help it, I wanted to say, but all that came out was.

'I am?' I'm such an idiot; can't I talk to a girl anymore? And I that impaired?

She sighed then, and turned again to the door.

'Are you that bored?' I asked, from the looks of things she liked to space out a lot.

'Nope, just thinking' she said airily.

'I still want you to come with me' I want to show her something that really no one but me knows about it.

'Yuu-you do?' she stuttered, didn't she believe me? 'I mean, I would love too' she beamed that sweet smile again. She seems a little bit unsure of her self, when I looked down at her, almost like-

'Okay children, what have we got here' nurse Norris walks in then, she looked between me and Amber then her gaze rested on amber.

'Miss Amber-lee what brings you here again?'

Again? Was she hurt? And what from?

'Ohh, I was just bringing Penn here' she looked over at me and our eyes locked, she nodded ever so slightly like I had to say something...

'Ohh yeah right about that, I got a huge bruise and a few cuts but nothing serious' I shrugged, but it hurt to do so, and I had to mask the overwhelming impulse to double over.

'Hmm, let me see it' I lifted my shirt up to where the bruise was,

'Ohh does it hurt when you breathe or anything?' she turned to amber and told her to get a few things.

When she came back with two large bandages and an ice-pack, The Norris told me to take my shirt off,

'Amber-Lee can you put that ice-pack on Penn's bruise for me Darl?' I looked over at Amber her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets, but she composed herself and grabs the ice-pack and walked over to me.

She placed her left hand on my right rib while slowly applying the ice-pack on my left rib. I hissed in pain and the fact that the ice-pack was freezing.

'Sorry if I hurt you-'

'Nah, I'm a man I can handle it' I said with complete arrogance.

'I'm sure you are' she laughed. 'Here, can you hold it here?'

I held the ice-pack where it was, and watched as she moved back to her seat. I would proffer it if she stayed where she was with her soft hands on my chest I wanted to protest, but I composed myself and stared at her for fun. It seem like she was challenging me because she stared right back. A smile played at her lips as she continued staring at me and me at her.

'Okay okay, I give up' she held her hand up. 'You win' we both laughed.

'yes, I win' then I looked to the door and Norris walks in.


'okay amber-lee your right to leave' she nodded to amber.

'Alright then' she looked at me as if waiting for something, Oh yeah-

'Amb, Meet me by my car after school' I nodded, she was relieved.

'But how are you- never mind' she waved goodbye and walked out.

Okay, she's coming, good. I wonder what's she's going to think of it? Will she like it? I hope bloody so!


Amber-lee's Pov

I was walking to my next class when I saw Steven walking out of the office. I wonder if the fight was REALLY about me. Oh well, off to PE. I turned to head to the PE block when I heard someone running. I stopped and turned only to run into Steven.

'Hey, Amber-lee I was calling out to you' he said out of breath.

'Ohh you were?' trust me not to realize something like that.

'Yeah, you're in my PE class right?'

'Right' he flipped his light brown hair out of his face; it was like wavy but straight kinda.

'Okay then' we began to walk toward our destination in silence.

There was a buzzing noise coming from the intercom over our heads, then the principles voice.

'All Grade 10 students please head to the hall'

Hmm, I wonder what that's for...

'It's probably for our formal thingie' whoa, did he just read my mind?

'Wait... formal thingie... I totally forgot!' how could I forget that stupid dance... one I can't dance and two I WON'T get a date to it... I feel like such a freaking loser!

'So, do you have a date?' he asked looking directly at me.

'I don't know'

'What do you mean you don't know?' he looked generally puzzled.

'I don't know if I want to go to it' I said plainly, and it was true. I'm not really the Formal kind of girl.

'You don't know if you want to go' he repeated as if in disbelief. 'Thought that was like what you females like to go to dances and dressing up of us males and shit'

'Well, not for me' we were in front of the hall now, with the rest of the grade waiting for entrance to the hall. Sometimes I wonder, why teachers seem to play god all the bloody time. Finally the door opened and everyone enters the large hall, I looked around for Penn, but of course he's still in the Norris.

'Okay students' Mr. Lake-haven raised his voice up over the crowd. 'I want you all to get in boy girl partners because were going to practice dancing for the formal coming up soon.'

Ohh, Bloody Hell.


What do you think?

did you guys want like charactar pictures or something???

i was just thinking, that you might...


Sometimes I think this story is boring...

Well that's what I think anyway.

So you guys know what to do!!!



And the next one will be out soon enough

What ever floats your boat!!!


From tinny

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